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———— act one. gold rush
PROLOGUE ─── one day i'll have friends

some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life, you can barely remember what life was like without them

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some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life, you can barely remember what life was like without them.

— john ray, beauty is power

Kildare Island, North Carolina
October 2011

MOVING FROM THE ONE PLACE YOU'D LIVED YOUR ENTIRE LIFE WAS NEVER EASY. Leaving behind the friends you'd grown up with and the places you'd made memories in was a difficult thing to come to terms with. When you so desperately cling to the familiarity and comfort of others, saying goodbye breaks the heart of the one departing.

And when you're eight years old, that fear of change and saying goodbye is multiplied tenfold.

Josephine loved where she'd grown up on the mainland. Riding horses through the mountains, building snowmen in the winter, and playing treasure hunter with her imaginary friends were things she could not imagine anything better than.

Life was easy for the young girl, so why did her parents have to ruin that by moving them back to where they'd grown up?

As she watched the other cars pass outside her window, she couldn't help but glare out at the ocean. Everything was different from what she was used to: the beach, the island, new clothes, new jobs, and the new house.

Josephine didn't even want to think about the new house. It was giant, big enough that she and all three of her sisters got their own rooms.

Her parents also got their own rooms, which was a massive improvement when your parents actively despise each other.

Their house felt so empty.

And even worse, the neighbors also had kids around Josephine's age, meaning her mom couldn't stop talking about already scheduling playdates. Josephine had seen the oldest boy riding his bicycle in front of their house the day they'd arrived, and she'd immediately ran inside and into hiding.

But despite all of that, nothing could be worse than what Josephine was facing today.

A new school.

It was only her second day on the island, and her parents were already pushing their children into the arms of someone else to deal with.

Like being a third grader wasn't hard enough; now she was a new third grader. These kids had already been in their classes for two months; she'd be the oddball out.

She huffed as her dad's truck made its way into the half-occupied parking lot. The small blue building mocked her as they came to a stop, and Josephine could feel the stares from the front seats.

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