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E P I S O D E  3 3 [√]p a g e  t h i r t y - t h r e e  :  S T I R

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E P I S O D E  3 3 [√]
p a g e  t h i r t y - t h r e e  :  S T I R

hakkai flexed his fingers and hands. his wounded knuckles stung and the pain's coming back to life each time he moved his fingers. not like he wasn't used to this.

he simply wanted to get his vape back from hiding it in the storage room in the second gymnasium. it wasn't part of his plan to beat up five teens who dared to even fight back and save an already unconscious boy who happened to be the freshly retired member of tōkyō manji-kai — takemichi.

"the ambulance will be here soon." the female nurse spoke worriedly, putting the telephone down. "i gave him the initial aids but his state isn't something the clinic can take care of. the ambulance should be here in 5, 6 minutes."

"i already called takemichi's grandmother. what was his state when you found him, shiba?" hakkai violently flinched at the hard pronunciation of his name, his feet shuffling hastily next to coach yanai.

"h-he was already unconscious when i stepped in. they tried to beat me up too that's why i couldn't take him here much earlier." the scarred face boy rambles nervously, awfully affected by the dark air surrounding the coach.

"things could've been ... worse for— for him." hakkai stammers as his eyes flickered to the unconscious blond. an uncomfortable, heavy feeling bubbling in his chest, making him swallow the lump forming in his throat nervously. fuck he's ... he look so fucking helpless.

coach yanai grunts, nodding. "could've been worse. could've been much worse. where are those brats?"

"they should still be inside the second gymnasium. i made sure that they wouldn't be able to ... hide .." hakkai felt himself grow little at the glance coach yanai and the female nurse shared with each other. "fighting isn't tolerated! but i simply defended myself and t-takemichi .."

"you're good, kid. thanks for bringing him here." coach yanai patted the teen's shoulder before turning all serious again. "your reason's valid. so no need to think about getting punished by the school. however, those brats ... i'm gonna have to talk to coach yisop. you sure they're from ikaizen?"

"yes, sir. i've seen them around before. i can still remember their faces." well, their faces before i battered them up. hakkai perks up at the faint however wailing siren of the ambulance outside the school.

soon, two paramedics entered the clinic. the three people around the bed stepped back, letting the paramedics masterfully move the unconscious boy to a stretcher before guiding themselves out of the clinic and the school building.

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