Chapter 2

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If anyone has information on my dad's case it is going to be the detective working, it. I dread walking into the station with a reporter's badge on but hope they take pity on a victim's daughter. I have a meeting with the towns newspaper after this so leaving my reporter stuff at home wasn't really an option.

I dress warmly today as the rain still pours down around the town. My crimson sweater is tight against my soft pale skin. I have never been much of an outdoors person. Moving to an outdoor wilderness escape was not the best idea. I lace up my new tan hiking boots and grab my camera case off the bedroom door handle.

The wooden door to the backyard doesn't have a lock so I have to slam it shut and pray it stays that way for the time being. I'll have to call a locksmith sometime soon. Not that it looks like any crimes would be committed here. If it weren't for the "animal attacks, this town would be your regular family sitcom place. Each building along the square houses old brick and antique glass doors. I walk by the ice cream parlor, hardware store, and the bank before coming to the plain brick building labeled Willow's Bend Police Department.

The doors are open allowing the rain and breeze to blow through to the front desk. The older woman behind the desk peers over her round glasses at me. She doesn't seem alarmed at a stranger walking in. Nor does she seem pleased when she spots the reporters badge. I didn't figure they would be.

"Can we help you?" She speaks softly.

"I am hoping so." I smile sweetly at her. "I recently moved to town after my father was attacked. I was wondering if I could speak to the person on his case?"

Her expression falters just a smidge before sympathy takes its place.

"You're Bryan Reese's girl, aren't you?" Her voice tinged with curiosity.

"Yes." I speak.

Her mouth quirks into a sad frown and she begins to shuffle through paper files in a cabinet. The file she pulls out is quite large and worn like someone has spent a lot of time looking through it.

If I could just get my hands on it.

She opens the file, glances at the page, and puts it back in the cabinet. I manage to see which label it's under and make a mental note to swing by on her lunch break. Perhaps she's not one to pay close attention.

"That would be Detective Minnow." She points to a large burly man in a tight gray suit. His desk is scattered and covered with files and paperwork. The man is hunched over his computer, typing something onto the screen. I approach cautiously, knowing again he's likely to not talk to me.

"Detective?" I ask.

The balding black-haired man looks up from his screen just barely looking at me. He finishes his sentence before folding the laptop and gathering another pile of papers.

"And you are?" An eyebrow raises.

"Kenna Reese. My father was one of your recent animal attack victims."

He glances at my name badge before peering in a file. The Detective stands and dusts his powdered hands on his wrinkled shirt before holding one out to me.

"Detective Ross Minnow. I am sorry for your loss. How can I help you, Ms. Reese?" His manner is curt. He obviously doesn't really want company but is being polite because of my situation.

"I want to know what happened to my dad. "

He sits back down, gesturing I do the same to the empty chair in front of his desk. "I believe you stated how he passed. It was an animal attack."

"Yes, sir. I want to know what kind of animal and if I could take a look at the reports." I gulp slightly. This wouldn't be the first time I have tried to pry the information I need out of a law enforcement official. It usually never works, but what's the harm in trying?

"That is classified at the moment, it is an ongoing investigation." His mustache ruffles as he puffs the words out.

"I was hoping you would be able to help me anyway. As a favor to a grieving family member." I plead.

"I'm sorry ma'am. That is not going to happen. Now if you will excuse me, I really need to finish this report." He glances down at my reporter's name badge again.

He's not letting me look at the file. I stand and thank him walking back to the main front desk area. Looking around I see no one sitting there. The empty desk calling my name. I peer down the hall looking out into the floor of officers, but no one is paying attention to me.

Who would be stupid enough to steal from the police station?

I pause at the mirror along the wall and really look myself over.

Can I do this?

Should I do this?

I roll my eyes at myself and haul it over to the file cabinet. The file is placed under unsolved. A simple animal attack hardly seems unsolved to me, but Detective Minnow did say it was an ongoing case. Definitely seems fishy. I found the file shortly after scanning a couple. All the reports are there. I pull out the ones of interest to me.

Autopsy: Body drained of blood, multiple small puncture wounds along neck, wrists, and legs.

Cause of death: Blood loss? Animal?

Police Report: Victim is lying face down along the Sunset Trail by Lake Willow. No money or personal effects appear to have been stolen. Next of kin notified. Daughter: Kenna Reese, of Montello, Alabama. Bite marks from some kind of animal along the extremities. Bruises along the wrists. Legs bound with rope. A backpack was found nearby with silver chains and wooden stakes.

What was happening in those woods? My mind feels like it is exploding with the knowledge of all this. I am so distracted by the information that I fail to see someone creep next to me. A large hand grabs the file from me and opens it for themselves.

"You do know it's illegal to do that?" The tone of voice is vaguely joking.

The first good looking stranger from yesterday peers down at me.

"Mr. Collins. What are you doing here?" my voice was laced with questioning.

A cute smile preys on his face. His well-kept hair stayed in its neat spot atop his head.

"Detective Collins." He answers, indicating his badge placed on his belt.

Oh shit.

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