Chapter 23

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Rage. That's all I feel.

A bit of self-loathing.

Why am I stuck with the two most aggravating vampires of all time?

Jace was perfect. Our time together was more than perfect. I blush.

But seriously, when does the fighting end?

I stagger through the woods. The blood loss from Jace must have affected me more than I thought it did. I grip the bark of a tree and look around. Trees and more trees. Maybe a spinning tree. I sit against the tree and feel my pulse. It's racing. Too much anger and adrenaline to keep up with. Leaves crunch to my left and I shoot up, guarding myself behind the tree.

I should've brought some stakes with me. A flashlight? Such a rookie mistake.

I glance around trying to find a good branch to break off into one when the birds quiet. Ducking into some bushes, I hold my breath and wait.

I hear him before I see him. The moonlight guiding a path to his face.

"Sunshine?" He looks around trying to find out where I am. I stay silent not wanting to be found. His head turns towards me for a moment, his eyes finding mine. Before he can take a step, a silver chain is thrown around his body. Another person comes into view, a man in gloves. Jace fights it, pulling at the chains before another chain is thrown around his neck and he's brought down. A woman comes out this time. I stifle a cry with my hand, tears threatening to spill.

He fights until he just stops abruptly. Laying there he refuses to look at me, not wanting to give my hiding place away.

"So Jace, where is that little piece?" The man asks, his face so close I can see the spit flying onto Jace's face.

Jace stays silent, staring ahead.

The woman straddles his back and lifts his head. "Where is she?" She growls in his ear. He yanks from her grasp, snarling. A panicked look on his face as he thrashes against the holds again.

They pick him up between them.

"Don't tell us then. Curfew has started. I'm sure someone will find her."

I begin a panic of my own, but I know my heart rate spikes when Jace stares at me shaking his head back and forth. I take deep breaths, calming myself. Challenging every training session, we've had until its no longer pounding.

Then they're gone.

I don't know where they've taken him, but I know without a doubt I'm following them. I grab my phone out of my pocket and shoot the last text I want to send right now.

Me: Lets make a deal.

My phone chirps a moment later and I open it quickly. The darkness surrounded me as I walked along the trail trying to get back into town. I need weapons if I'm going to the covens.

When I reach the edge of the woods, town is in sight, and I let a sigh escape me. That's one thing done. I rush through town to my house, not pausing to turn on the lights. In the dark, I find my stakes and chains and grab an empty vial from the office. I glance at the picture of my family still in the window.

"I hope I make you proud." I whisper in the darkness.

"I'm sure you have."

I turn to see Carter standing on the threshold. I give him a small tight smile and hand him the vial. He looks at it, eyes widening before he shakes his head.

"No. Kenna I can't." He says softly.

"You owe me. I challenge him." I pushed my wrist out to him. "Fill it."

He looks from me to my wrist and his fangs extend. We never had a chance to have a real conversation about him. About us. It was never the right time. Never the right answers. I think all along maybe it just was never the right person. He grips my wrist, pausing before he pierces my skin.

"I can't promise I'll be able to stop." He whispers.

"I've given more than enough blood tonight. I doubt it'll be the last. What's more, do it." I close my eyes as I feel his bite.

It hurts, bad. There's no pleasure. No loving feelings. It feels all wrong. After taking the pulls he can't help himself from taking, he lets go and places the vial underneath the holes. My blood oozes inside it.

Once the vial is full, I wrap my still bleeding wrist and close the cap. Turning to Carter, I hand him the vial.

"Take it. Give it to them and the book. Don't tell them I'm coming. Tell them you killed me whatever you have to do. Just lead me to them."

"Kenna. It won't work". He's been sentenced to death.

"He's not dying."

"He is and soon. At dawn." He puts the vial onto the table in the hallway, far away from him.

"Then I'll die too. Take me instead of the vial." I stand in front of him.

"You would die for him? Why? He wouldnt die for you." He looks at me like Ive grown two heads.

"That's exactly what he's doing." I cross my arms. He could've saved himself and told them where I was in the woods. Better yet, he could've brought me to them anytime. He didn't.

Carter runs his hand through his cropped hair and groans loudly.

"I can't let you do this. I can't."

"Don't play the good guy now. You changed back and forth too much for me to believe it. You want a deal so make one but I am getting him out of there. Be honest, Carter. Be honest with me and with yourself."

"I want you. That's my deal. I save him, you're mine." He says sternly, all niceness gone. "It was always supposed to be like that, and I want that so badly. I want you to want me. Like you want him."

"Save him and I'm yours. I'll let you claim me, drink from me, whatever you want." My voice isn't shaky but determined. This was the fate I was supposed to live.

Carter takes my hand in his and brings it to his lips, kissing my wrist. Devoted to me. I resist the urge to frown but when he brings his wrist to my own lips, I hesitate. Jace's words about doing that just for show for his coven leader come to mind. The way he always said it meant nothing to him because it's all a lie.

I kiss his wrist with that in mind. He might have a deal with my body, but he'll never have my heart or devotion. I already gave that to my own personal darkness and I'm going to save him from the monsters.

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