
278 10 12

First person
Date : august 10th 2005


The dark kept me company,now I wasn't an emo or anything it was just a comforting feeling knowing that I'm safe here in my room in the dark all alone until my lights turned on in my apartment room which I shared with my best friend Zara in Germany,she was the complete opposite of you she loved sunrises and the sun being out but you loved the sunset the moon the darkness.


"Oh god.." I said as your best friend in the whole world Zara woke you up at 7:30am.

"GET UP GET UP!!" She pulled your blanket off your body.

"Zaaaaaaraaaaa my bestie my love FUCK OFF" Zara laughed her ass off.

"Come on you promised me we would go watch this car racing show!!! I have your clothes out ready and ironed donuts on the table get up GET UP GET UPP!!" (Yes mln reference but it will be nothing like that LOVE YOUUU)

Zara left my room,I sighed loudly getting up from the slighly warmth of my bed,my feet touched the cold of the floor and as soon as I stood up i fell on the floor,"WHY IS THE FLOOR FUCKING FLOOR FUCK FUCK FUCKIDDY FUCK!" I could hear zaras laughing.

Timeskip to after you've changed

I finally got changed into this beautiful outfit:

"Good thing it's hot today because if it wasn't I would beat your ass for picking this out for me Zara" I said getting into the car eating my glazed donut

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"Good thing it's hot today because if it wasn't I would beat your ass for picking this out for me Zara" I said getting into the car eating my glazed donut.

"Yea yea whatever let's just go" Zara got in the car putting her blinged pink seatbelt.

She started the car and we drove off listening to Tokio Hotel and avril lavigne.

Finally we ended up and the race track place,I wondered why we were in a different type of car then it hit me.

"Zara....YOU FUCKING LIAR I DONT WANT TO BE HERE WHILST YOU RACE US TO OUR DEATH!" Zara laughed as she headed to the starting line.

This place was an abandoned car park, 3 other cars pulled up and one rolled down there window.

"Your going down Zara" a boy with dreads-

"No fucking way,Tom kaulitz?!!" You slapped Zara's arm.

"oh yea all of Tokio Hotel Are here we always race" your jaw was wide open.

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