002 (part 2)

159 3 17

First person
Date : 11 august 2005

As you and bill made your way to the cafe,you walked in,you saw bills eyes light up and the gothic eerie dark vibes,"you like?" You looked at bill who was already looking a you smiling.

"If you like it I like it" angel looked away nervous and red,you heard bill laugh slightly but you ignored it.

You went to the counter and ordered your usual a bag of glazed donuts,you and bill sat down as you waited for the donuts,the lady who was serving you called your name you and bill got up.

"I'll pay y/n" you refused,you and bill argued like a married couple would.

"You both make a cute couple" the lady said and bill ultimately payed.

"We-weren't a couple" you blushed and laughed bill looked at you with a smile.

"Thank you" you and bill walked back to the abandoned car park where they race at.

They are all laughing for some reason and looking at you? You were so confused whilst eating a donut happily,you gave one to bill and he ate it with a smile.

"What you guys laugh-" bill got cut off by Tom.

"Y/n you snore in your sleep?" Everyone laughed even bill.

"So? It's normal" you said as your mood had been thrown off completely.

"She sleep walks and this one time she walked into a door and kept on walking into it like more then 5 times" everyone was sat down on the floor in a circle even bill was sat down but you weren't,everyone was laughing still.

"Y/n come sit" Zara said making space for you.

You dropped your donuts(poor donuts),you looked at Zara and the others then in the middle was your sketchbook your eyes had widened.

"Y/n I was just showing it to them it's really good" the page was open on the anatomy page.

You grabbed your sketchbook,and started to walk back to your motorbike,"wait y/n where are you going?" Bill grabbed your hand gently and you slapped it away harshly.

You got on the motorbike leaving your helmet on the floor and you drove off so fast that when they blinked you were gone,it had gotten dark by then and you drove off on the motorway driving around until you found yourself on an abandoned motorway no one ever came here it seemed by how there was moss and everywhere.

You drove around on the abandoned motorway doing all these tricks HAVINH fun but then you stopped looking in front of you was 4 cars,Zara coming out of the bright green one,tom coming out of the red one,bill coming out of then blue one,Georg and Gustav coming out of a black car.

"Y/n..." you looked at them not showing any emotion.

"Let's go home" you looked at Zara rolling you eyes.

"Y/n we-" you cut Tom off.

"Lets get one thing straight we are not friends none of us are friends except me Georg and Gustav. Yall Are Zara's friends not me" you looked Tom up and down.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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