
194 6 12

First person
Date : 11 august 2005








"Why...WHY DO I HAVE TO GO TO FUCKING SCHOOL" you grabbed your alarm clock throwing it across the room.

Getting up from your bed,your feet touching the cold wooden floor,the house to quiet to quiet you hoped Zara was at home it was a Monday today Mondays are the worst day,you didn't even look at the clock because you thought you were up early and you had to wake Zara up so you went to your bathroom going for a 5 minute shower then drying your long hair brushing your teeth putting on deodorant and getting changed into this:

Getting up from your bed,your feet touching the cold wooden floor,the house to quiet to quiet you hoped Zara was at home it was a Monday today Mondays are the worst day,you didn't even look at the clock because you thought you were up early and yo...

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going downstairs,you heard nothing so you headed back upstairs and your jaw dropped.
Zara wasn't home and you looked at your phone,
"It's 8am?" You realised you were Late but you didn't really care because you were always late.

You went to your room grabbing your sketch book pencils case ipad and Apple Pencil and you put it in your tote bag and went downstairs grabbing a pop tart from the kitchen.

You yawned,goung to the front door opening it and leaving the building ofc locking the door behind you.

You looked for you car but didn't see it you only saw Zara's racing car,"god Zara tell a girl your gonna take her car!" You sighed going to your motorbike:

You started the egnition and drove off to school driving past every single car on the road and you found yourself at the front of your high school you parked your motorbike locking it so no one could steal it

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You started the egnition and drove off to school driving past every single car on the road and you found yourself at the front of your high school you parked your motorbike locking it so no one could steal it.

𝐍𝐲𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 || 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐱 𝐲/𝐧Where stories live. Discover now