Find you

244 6 1

This chapter will go under editing later on too
For now please don't hate on some of the big ass paragraph😭
(H/t)= hair type
(F/I)= foot and inches

3 days

3 days since Kagome has been missing and you couldn't do anything my mother wouldn't let me or sota leave the house after or before school every day when I wake up I hope that I would walk in to her room and see her sleeping or studying at her desk oh Kagome please come home safe.

"Come one grandpa let just check one more that I'm telling you that the last place I saw her" a voice outside my door started and only a second later another voice replied "We have check there 5 times already she's not down there" getting up to open the door only to reveal my brother and my grandpa holding a flash light

"are you going to check the well again?" Making myself know to the two they turn to face me sadness in their eyes "yes my dear your Brother still believes that she's down there" my grandma answered "I'll come to" there was this feeling in my gut telling me to go, walking together out the house towards the shrine I opened the door for my grandpa and sota, walking down the stairs I walk to the well pulling the cove off it looking down.

I couldn't see down there but I did see something, it was darker then the rest of the darkness down there "point the light down here I think I see something" asking my grandpa who was the one holding the light, walking towards the well he point is down for a moment it was silent no one said a word in till sota yelled out "KAGOME". Running back up the stairs I find some rope laying out and taking it back to the well throwing one have down holding the other have tight in my hand so feel the rope become heavier meaning she was climbing up finally she reaches the top throwing down the half of the rope I was holding, grabbed kagome I pull her into a hug " I've missed you so much I was so worried" crying out pushing her back I start looking all over here "what the hell you wear and oh god your smell did you roll around in dirt when you was gone?" I look at her she didn't answer me except all she did was look like she was going to cry what ever happened must have been hard on her.

Standing outside the shrine looking at the sunset Kagome still didn't tell us what happened we was all just standing here in silence intill she turned around to look at us, running to grandpa crying yelling out how much she missed us "let head inside run you a bath you can tell us what happened in the mean time" once the word bath hit her ears she shot right up from grandpa

"Ohhh YES A BATH you would not believe this but the place I was at didn't have a bath had to bath in the river I guess I should start the beginning it happened when I fell down the well this thing like centipede, grab me-" listening to Kagome speck has we walked was surprising she talked about traveling into the feudal era of Japan pacifically Tokyo she said that she ran into this half demon. he had white hair with dog like ears at the top of his head and what a red outfit that made him look like a big giant balloon then she started talking about the centipede, like woman, coming back and tearing into the side of her stomach, ripping out half of a Jewel a whole fight happen between the centipede and the half demon for that very Jewel.

The half demon managed to kill the centipede, but he started attacking her because of the jewel she held. She started saying how she ran away for her life her until one of the villagers helped her by putting a necklace around his neck and told her to say a command she chose the command sit boy for his dog, like appearance, and it work sending him down into the river after that it was pretty peaceful for her.

No one attacked her, and she was sort of making friends with the boy that was until she decided to go back to the well to come home but a lady controlling hair attacked her, she fell into the well, and saw us looking down at her.

Her story was sort of hard to believe she had little evidence that it happened. Only big evidence being was the fact that she was wearing clothes that obviously look very old and her smell if you count that as evidence. I really didn't believe it because the half Demon she was describing in her story sound like the same half demon in the fairytale that I always read Inuyasha, but he wasn't a real person. It was just a story, a fairytale that was written by someone in the feudal era.., maybe he is real, but I won't believe it until I see with my eyes.

-time skip-

In the kitchen, helping my mother with a dinner, waiting for kagome to be done with her bath still thinking about her story if it was real the fairytale, I read was real to, but why was she only holding half of the jewel where was the other half and why was everyone in that village calling her kikyo?

Was she the reincarnations of her if we were twins, I would possibly think that I was too the reincarnation of her, but was even possible for two people to be the incarnation of one person we did look alike for just being sisters, we could easily pass as twins. only couple difference were my hair was (h/t) and I was (F/I) the rest of our differences are more in our personalities.

she was a bit short tempered easily got mad at people for slight remarks they made at her and
she was very stubborn always determine to get was she wanted but she was too very smart. She loved math and was always very interested in our history though not the ones from our shrine and she just love to stay inside all day every day studying that was the whole reason why she had such high marks on her test and grades

Me on the other hand I wasn't that smart, but it could just be because I never really put my all into school. I just did the bare minimum and usually ignored people when they would insult me unless they push my buttons a bit too much. I was just really quiet not really wanting to get between two people or have someone hate me, I just didn't say anything to anyone and didn't try to put up a fight that much for things unless I really wanted it.
And even though I complained and just wanted to be inside and sleep all day, I really did like to go out and adventure. No one really bothered me when I was out it was like I was free.

"Honey you can stop cutting the fruit and vegetables the foods already done" snapping out of my thought. I looked at my mom putting the knife down nodding my head at her. I walked out the door of the kitchen towards the bathroom to knock on the door and tell my sister the food was done after I head back to the kitchen and see my mom has it already put the food on the table and set it up take my seat I wait for the rest of the family to join.

We make a prayer thank you for the food, and started digging a look over to the left of me and say k
Kagome drooling at the mouth muttering "real food, real food" I chuckle a bit at her funny behavior, picking up my chopsticks to dig into the food but stops when a sound come from upstairs excusing myself I walk out and make my way towards the upstairs it came from Kagomes room upon opening the door I see a boy with long white hair, dog like ears, and a red outfit it was like the boy that was described in the fairytales I read and in Kagomes story I guess this answers my question from earlier he was real. He look like he was sniffing around before he stops, and looks at me "about time you show up we have to go now there's a lady attacking the village and apparently I can't see her attacks but you can so for once you're being useful"

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