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"Well I just wanted to say that maybe you shouldn't use that command so much it could make his injuries worse"

"NO he deserves it after taking you into battle who knows what could have happened"

There was no arguing with kagome if she felt like he needed that then she would not stand down signing I turned to where inuyasha was stuck in the floor bending down to pick him up

But he pushed my hand away picking himself up"I DONT need the of a human" god was his ego so big he couldn't even accept help from someone else, he'll have to come around and ask for help sometime

What am I thinking he'll die before he ask for help
A cold day im hell when that day really comes

—time skip—
Bone eater well

Hopping on the well I land a hand to kagome helping her up " so you sure we want just hit the bottom when we jump in" I asked a little worried about going into the well there were bones at the bottom I did not wish to hit " it will be fine I've already come and gone from the well and it's the only way back"

Looking down the well a feeling of sadness over came me but shouldn't I feel happy to be going home why would I want to stay in this place

I mean it was beautiful looking at the area it may have been a forest but it was so nice a neat with these pretty flowers scattered around and during night time the sky looked so nice back in the future there's so many lights from the buildings will it prevent you from seeing the stars in the sky but here you can see every star in the sky

"I-I want to st-UHH AHHH"
Felling my shirt bring pull I begin to fall right into the well it was just like before darkness before some bright ass colors blinded me and I was met with a tje well floor again
"Were you saying something (Y/n)?"
"No you must have just been hearing things" cleaning off my pants I see that someone placed a latter guess it was grandpa or mom

Climbing up the latter finally reaching the top of the well, I hop out the sun was peeking through the doors at the top of the stairs was I really there all night I need some sleep man or else I was going to pass out right the here on the floor and I WAS HUNGRY I MISSED OUT ON DINNER UGH

—Time skip—
"So how about we take turns going, I know you wouldn't want to miss school plus I really don't mind miss it" I tried to convince kagome "why should I let you go I was the one to first find it this is my job it practically the reason I was born"

" oh, come on, we share the same power and I know how to shoot an bow and arrow when I am in the well you can train on how to shoot one too and focus on school you will listen to your older sister"

Not leaving her time to reply I throw down her bike and jumping in after outside instead of inside, just as a hope, I see the blue sky now time to get this bike out of here

I didn't think of this

Finally, pushing the bike out of the well, I was out of breath never workout day of my life, and here I was having to push a bike out of a 7 foot well

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Finally, pushing the bike out of the well, I was out of breath never workout day of my life, and here I was having to push a bike out of a 7 foot well

Catching my breath, I get on the bike riding up towards the village, getting close I pass a tree feeling a familia presence I looked back and see Inuyasha laying in the tree

"Hey Inuyasha!"
Calling out his name, I see him open his eyes to look down at me " oh it's you what was your name again" before I could even answer he spoke again " actually.. I don't care" shocked at what he said I picked to ignore it I picked up the medical kit from the basket

Turning back to me " can you come down here for a second my mom gave me a medical kit to use on you" waiting for an answer. I didn't get any response

If he didn't want to get down by himself, I was gonna have to find a way to make him come down if only I can use the command Kagome used, I mean I never tried to say it and who ever said it was only her that could use it

I didn't want to use in the same way kagome used it it could seriously hurt and from the height, was there a way of using it in a nice way? Maybe by saying it nice less unlike kagome violent way of using it

"Sit boy... please?"
The necklace glowed like before pulled him down, but not as hard as it did before giving him enough time to turn the clearly not enough time to land on his feet for he landed on his ass

Didn't we feel bad it was like karma for the attitude he gave me earlier
"OUCHH WHAT THE HELL WHEN COULD YOU USE IT TOO" laughing at him yelling still holding the medical kit I walk next to him getting down and placing the kit on the floor " now take off your clothes I need to look to look at your body"

A silence came over us " And kagome thought I was a pervert her sister is on a whole another him level" a blush covered my face " IT NOT LIKE THAT, I need to check your injuries for infections that all" raising my hand, I grip his room " NOW TAKE IT OFF" trying to open his rope. He kept fighting back while I was trying to open it. He was trying to keep it closed. "Q-Q-QUIT IT!"

" it appears ye has become closer to Inuyasha since they last visit maybe a bit to close"
"Get off me!"
"Though you would have find it out by now but don't you know my body is different"
Pulling up a bit of it, so just off the shoulder to reveal no injuries not even a scar on his body is this the power of a demon well half-demon

What is he screaming for this time a broken nail, Wait what that on his chest I couldn't get a closer before InuYasha slapped whatever moving his hand back I look at his palm it was a flea like thing except it was wearing clothes and head forearms
" what the... aren't you the flea Myoga"

 aren't you the flea Myoga"

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