Where am i?

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I will keep the story the same just making the paragraph smaller

he was complaining but I didn't answer back I was shocked. He looked much better then how I imagined him. He walks up to me still complaining about something but I wasn't listening looking over his body. I see something on his shoulder a piece of hair grabbing it I looked at it. It closes around my hand and and cut my hand flinching at the pain I throw the hair to the ground " so I guess the old hag was right you can see it, wait" he stopped looking at me closer sniffing around me the hell is he doing?

" you're not Kagome you're much cuter than she is" blushing at his words I finally snap out of my days shaking my head I turn him "My names (y/n)" that was all that came out. Still pretty shocked. What is happening I wasn't really think why would I just say my name" maybe I should just take you back you seem to have the same powers as Kagome and I'm tried of her telling me to sit all the time." He was complaining to me about my own sister I was about to tell him I was not going .

until I hear someone approaching the room I turn to the door to see kagome walking in "(Y/n) what are you doing in my room you should be down-" she stops midsentence seeing Inuyasha " what are you doing here!?" She yelled at him. "How did you even get here?" question after question she was just asking he look like he was getting annoyed.

I hear more people coming towards the door. It was mom, Grandpa amd Sota Mom was the first want to step up and stand her ground towards the half demon " who are you and what are you doing in my house and my daughter's room" she demanded I've never really seen her angry, kagome turn back at her walking towards her, holding her back " that's Inuyasha don't worry he's nobody he was just leaving right" she wasn't really asking him a question at the last part, more like she was telling him to leave. What the fuck was going on

InuYasha sighed, putting his hands behind his head, closing his eyes. " well, if you're not gonna go, I'm just gonna take her." Who is he talking about? My question was soon answered when I feel myself getting picked up he was going to take me to Where?!

Wait, don't tell me he's actually take me back to the past where kagome said she went to I was taken out of my thoughts When I was being violently moved around then wind being pushed against my face I look up to see that he had jumped out of the window.

It took a second for me to process what was happening, but the minute I did, I started screaming out, I wasn't scared of heights, but flying right out a window was a whole different story before I knew it we had to reach the ground

Looking at the floor I noticed it changed from rock to wood looking up I see that we was in the shrine. Feeling wind once again pushing down on me he had taken a small leap at the top of the stairs, diving right into the well taking me with him at first it was just dark before the darkness turned into a dark blue, dark purple mixture with stars around it was like outer space. It was kind of cool to look but I knew we were falling because I could feel the wind pushing against my face.

After what seem like a minute, we finally made it on solid floors we look like we're still in the well I guess I was just imagining it

Inuyasha takes a big jump out of the well never mind on the imagination part because I take a look around. I see nothing but forest where did the house go? Where did the shrine go? Where was everybody? Did we really go to the past?

Putting me down he threw something on me. It was the top half of his outfit. " it's made from the hair of fire rats it will give you some protection the rest I will do myself" can you grab something from next to the wall? It was a bow and arrow he throws it at me. " I hope you're better, then the last one or your just as useless." God did all he do was complain.

He was not the same person I read about in the fairytale, picking up the bone and arrow. I was kind of glad that I had taken archer lessons and was still doing them. But I shouldn't have to use them I shouldn't be here at all I wasn't made for this

I look up at InuYasha and see him getting on one of his knees his back turned me " get on" was all he said he was demanding not asking, I got to choose, making my way over to him getting on his back. I expected this ride to be smoother I was wrong.

I was once again thrown around on his back like a balloon attached to the back of a child, who was having a sugar, rush, halfway through he decided he was no longer a dog but a rabbit, because he was just leaping and jumping at this point

-small time skip-

I feel like it has been a couple minutes since we left the well. We were now in the middle of a forest up ahead. I can see a light, It was sort of an orange red light, so I guess it was a campfire. We stopped by the front of it, and I was right. It was a campfire with people around it but closer look everyone was decapitated Shocked and disgusted. I covered my mouth to prevent me from throwing up the smell of decaying bodies was horrific.

Looking around at the hair, there was this one hair that all the rest were coming from tapping Inuyasha shoulder I pointed towards the direction that the main hair was coming from and getting what I was trying to say or signal.

He picks me back up and we start running off into that direction. he's really going to take me towards the person that had killed these people. Is this what kagome had to go through for those three days I couldn't even get through this in one hour

I want to go home

I'll try and make this the last chapter that has all these big paragraphs
changing to the other chapters will happen or has already happened if so DOMT mind this if not sorry I'm really lazy and not the best at making my words small

ILL TRY MY BEST 😭 please bare with me

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