Nothing women

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What the hell was she doing?

Oh god what happened last thing I remember was Inuyashas mother spawning in a flower out of no where that radiate in a bright light that blinded me

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Oh god what happened last thing I remember was Inuyashas mother spawning in a flower out of no where that radiate in a bright light that blinded me

From what I can tell you were in a garden? And Inuyasha and his mother were across the pond. I tried to get up, but my arms or legs wouldn't move I was paralyzed. How did this even happen?

I'm looking at InuYasha, my eyes move down to the pond seeing their reflection, something was off, his mother reflection had no face!, so I was right it wasn't his mother. But how do I tell him if I was paralyzed

All I could do was listen to their conversation and hope to god that InuYasha would take notice to her whole ass face missing

— Third person pov—
InuYasha mother, Izayoi begin to speak once more "InuYasha... I must return to the other world soon"
He knew his mother would have to go back soon but having to say goodbye for a second time was harder then the first time "y-yeah... your going then" he couldn't stop his words from coming out shakingly "InuYasha look at the water surface" turning his attention from his mother to the water puddles from the flower that she had created scattered in the water what was in the water she wanted him to see looking at his reflection it wasn't him he could see but the younger version of himself to distract him by himself(self-central much) he didn't notice his no face mother wrapping her arms around she reminded him on the fact she used to hold him like this when he was a child

Finally Looking at his mother excepting to see her face he was met with a blank one
" my darling boy let's hold each other close to our hearts" attempting to hug Inuyasha he pulled over
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?" But he's fighting attempts were no use

She really had her hands in his back attempting to reach his soul
" I won't let you go... become one with me..."

Back with (y/n)  the demon like goblin creatures made themselves known to her eyes but they weren't the only thing making themselves known to her the whole world change they was not im a garden but a swamp, it was fake, but she still couldn't move now who was going to save InuYasha

And in her desperate calls for a hero, hero does shows up a hero the size of a flea jumping onto (y/n) face. Doing the only thing he knew that could help, and the thing he was best at, sucking blood, didn't last long as (y/n) hand came crashing down onto her face squishing him. I guess she wasn't as paralyzed as she though.

Across the pond, a small yet again goblin creature was calling about right to Inuyasha and his "mother"
The demon cried out when he saw them, the demon discussed as Inuyashas mother had already sucked in half of Inuyasha body in just a minute or two that would be nothing

"hey what are you doing? Don't Sucking him up already it killing him we need him to tell us the location of the tomb!" The green demon yelled, hitting the other one with his staff "sorry" was all that come out the mother demon

Inside of Inuyashas subconscious, they were in a pond deep below the surface with long hands meeting all the way to the top coming from Inuyashas back  a voice gonna be heard

"remember, my dear boy where is your father's tomb" not receiving an answer, The Voice tries again " try harder... Show your mother what is deep within your heart" finally a black pearl emerges from the darkness all Inuyasha said, was " The right"

Back outside the swamp, the demon holding Inuyasha stopped turning to the demon know as Jaken " prying any farther into this child, would break his soul" she was worried for him, though, not being his mother, she still had a heart of a mother

" Break it then, if we don't, I will receive a punishment for not finding the location of the tomb" Jaken yell he did not care for the boy only for his Lord and the prize, that waited inside the tomb

—(Y/n) pov
Now's my chance winning up to the demon Jaken kicking him into the pond turning my attention to inuyasha I intend to grab them, but the lady moves back, running after her a flea jumps onto my shoulder "This demon is know as Mu-onna... it is a demon formed from the souls of mothers, who lost their children to war ...if a soul that has fallen under their spell is woken up, they can break free from the body" OK so how do I break the spell YA THE POND running towards the pond grabbing a stick that the demon Jaken held before, I swing it into the surface of the water, blurring the image that should do it turn back to the demon and I see Inuyasha breaking free from the body

"INUYASHA" running towards him, falling next to him, checking his body for any injuries "are you ok" I asked but he didn't answer he looked out of it but before I could pursue any further someone appeared out of nowhere sesshoumaru

He grabbed InuYasha by the neck lifting him up
" to think it was right, under our noses or to be exact right above to the right

I will be using the gif of the cherry tree to mark time skips
Sorry if the paragraph had become a bit too long

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