7. Cutting Ties

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I wake up with a start. Literally, I wake up gasping for air, my arms scrambling as if I was drowning in water, and a line of sweat running down my back.

This should be enough indication that today is going to be an interesting day, to say the least, but it's the light from outside, with the sun beaming through the glass window that is evidence of just how hard today is going to suck.

"Aw crap," I mutter, watching the sun glittering in contentment like I'm not going to be late for my first day of school. My first day at a school that took me two years of proving myself and finding every loophole to be even considered as a candidate.

A school that in about a month will be wondering where my first payment is and when I undoubtedly won't be able to provide the insane amount of money for the semester, will be sending me packing.

I have a plan in place, one that may prove to be harder than it originally seemed, but for now, I have to make sure to at least show my face at my new posh, private school for my first day.

It's only when I'm out of bed, feet on the fuzzy carpet instead of the cold concrete that I truly take in my surroundings. Clean white linens instead of a blowup mattress; a large window instead of barred wall openings; a lamp instead of an old candle that smells like my grandma's foot cream.

"Oh . . ."

I look down at my clothes, and low and below, they are the same ones from yesterday. The ones I wore to the fair. Aristide's.

I'm usually a pretty light sleeper because I've had to be, but something must be in this man's mattress because I'm struggling to recollect yesterday's happenings after we finally rode that darned roller coaster.

We wandered around a little more, he bought me more food, and then . . . I try to crack my brain, I even slap my temple for good measure, but nothing. I remember nothing. Not the ride back, not being back in the apartment, not even being tucked into the bed.

And he must have put me in the bed, right? The idea makes me uncomfortable and something else that I'd rather not think about. I can't remember the last time someone did something so domestic for me. Maybe when I was barely a toddler? Before my dad died and my mom checked out, making most responsibilities fall on me.

"Seraphina." A knock startles me back to the present, and I turn to watch as Aristide opens the door without even waiting for my permission.

"I could have been naked," is the first thing that comes out of my mouth.

His eyes skim down my body as if to say, but you aren't and I get the sense that even if I was, the man rarely questions his actions. If he wants to do something, he does it. Everything belongs to him simply because he says it, and everyone bows down to him because he demands so.

He's wearing sweatpants and a wrinkle-free white T-shirt. I wonder if the shirt is only for my benefit. If I wasn't here, would he be walking around shirt free? Then, again, I doubt that my presence can make Aristide Falcone change anything in his routine.

He watches me from the door, and I imagine what he sees: his clothes all rumpled on me, my hair in a messy bun, my eyes wide. "You're awake."

I smile because his grumbly tone is, quite frankly, adorable. "Yes, and you are also awake." Then I remember that I'm late to the new school that I can't afford to be late to. "And I'm running late for my first day. Can I use your shower, please?"

He steps back from the door and nods. "Down the hall, the door on the right. Use anything you need."

"Thank you so much!" I rush past him, following his directions. "I'll be out before you know it!"

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