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The next day Rose leaves for work with Lena. That was at ten. An hour later I attend a meeting at the label. We go over details for the video and they agree with my idea to use Rose as they should, 'cause I wasn't doing a damn thing if it wasn't her anyway. Call me a drama king if you will, I don't care. I shrug. After all that I go out for my usual walk and stop at a food cart for a sweet snack. I observe all the people and faces that pass me, listening to the music on a playlist Rose made for me. It's got all of my favorites of what she's showed me so far. Half of it's BTS, I'm definitely an ARMY. I tap my fingers and eat. I wonder where each face is headed, what they're going through, and if they're having a good day. I wish everyone would have many good days and continue. I'm stopped for a few pictures and autographs. It's not long before I come to a stop in front of Her's. I take out my AirPods and tug open the door.

"Hi, welcome to Her's. We're closing in about- hey Clover! What brings you here?!"

I return the same wide grin to Lena as she comes around the counter to greet me. I hunch and give the same big squeeze. She pulls away and lowers her head with a knowing look.

"Is it Rose?"

I laugh joyfully.

"I can't just stop by and see a friend? I was in the area."

"You stopped by to see a friend alright..." Lena playfully swats my arm and walks over to change a display. "Rose is out on lunch with the other boys, they should be back any minute now. We were actually about to get out of here early."

Instantly, the back door swings open. Rose laughs hard, stumbling in with Winston and... Tommy following behind her. I narrow my eyes... Tommy. Rose spots me and her already bright expression brightens even further, melting away all the agitation Tommy could ever cause.

"Hey, Doll!"

I knot my brows, amused. Rose's do the same at once. She steps over to me with a pink lemonade in hand.

"Doll? That's what I call you."

"I don't know why I just said that? But I'd definitely be lying if I said it didn't feel right. Hi!" She beams, as if we haven't seen each other in weeks. I do the same with wide open arms. Her energy is infectious. She falls into me and I snap my arms around her. My chin rests atop her head as we sway with my large steps.

"I missed you, Cutie!"

I squeeze her and shake.

"I missed you too, Babydoll!"

She laughs and I bend her backwards. Naturally, I caress the smooth hair against the back of her head. As we're talking I bring my hands to her face. Lena stands behind the counter with furrowed brows.

"Don't y'all live together?"

Me and Rose turn in unison. "So." I release Rose and she walks over to where Lena stands. Winston grins, his perfect brown complexion shines brightly to match his unwavering optimism.

"What's up, Clover."

"Winstoon." I extend my hand and he claps it, our shoulders meet in the middle. Tommy's stale ass passes us.


"Tommy." I say with a hard T. He snaps his head at me. My eyebrows knit violently and my head jerks. His eyes narrow and he turns. I make a face, sticking out my tongue and rolling my eyes. He's so fucking annoying. Winston hits my chest. A mischievous grin makes a home on my face. He covers his mouth and tries to keep from laughing too loud. I watch him as he skitters humorously to another corner.

"Cutie, were you picking me up since I didn't drive today?"

I didn't want to flat out admit it, so I played.

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