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It's finally Friday, the day of the shoot. I've been thinking about this since last week. Not because it's the weekend but because Rose is my female lead. I snicker to myself and rub my hands together, waiting for MY GIRLFRIEND on set. It has only been five days since she agreed to be with me. Ugh, I can't get over that. I hide my blushing face. Extras and crew fill the grand foyer around me. I'm taking it all in when Rose appears from makeup and she looks.


She glances my way and struts over to me. I can't take my eyes off of her. Nervousness rings her expression. I arch my brow. She stops at my side and her breath hitches. Her hands tremble only slightly. I take them up in my own.

"Don't be nervous, okay? I'll be with you the whole time. It's exactly like when we dance around in the kitchen... You look beautiful." I lean in and kiss her cheek. Her nostrils flare. I see her exhale and some of her nerves disappear. She smiles at me.

"Okay... Thank you." She adds, right before someone calls her name. She walks over and they add the finishing touches to her look. She's given another run down and I just stare at her the entire time. My baby looks good, with a T! Her mini gold flapper dress hugs every pretty brown curve, the chainmail glistening with every move she makes. Smokey fox makeup compliments all the gorgeous features lining her face and I desperately want to comb my fingers through hair that looks to be the finest of silk. Her bangs add so much to her mysterious allure. A fifteen inch dainty gold chain decorates her neck while a woman adds some sort of shimmering oil to her legs and other exposed parts of her body. She's an enchantress in a Modern 20's twist. She turns to me and the corners of her mouth upturn. I grin like a mad man and extend my arms while she walks towards me, her heels clicking against the floor. I don't get jealous at the eyes ogling my lady, I know she's fine. And she chose ME. So hahaa losers, get in line. Wait- actually don't. Don't do that. There is no line to get into. Don't... I put my arms around her warm skin and she comes into my embrace. Her back forms to me and I lean to hold her comfortably. The director shouts a few things to the others. I lower to Rose's ear and speak for only her to hear.

"Don't be nervous, baby. Just pretend you're my girlfriend..." I smirk. She turns her head to the side and grins real big. A tiny laugh escapes her throat.

"I am your girlfriend, Clover... you just wanted to hear me say it."

"Did I?" I tilt my head. Rose guffaws and her head falls back on my shoulder a little too hard.


I sputter and grab the back of her head the same time she does.

"Hair!..." Director Lacey calls out. "Are you alright, honey?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Just clumsy as shit."

Rose laughs and her smile brightens the whole room. Everyone giggles and we're given some instructions. I look around and see nothing but glowing faces. I know they've taken a liking to her. They all look to be as happy as I do... I smile. That's what Rose does. She's as bright as the sun wherever she goes, permeating warmth. It's beautiful. I take another look around the mansion we're in. I couldn't decide if I wanted to go with vampires or mobsters for the video so we ended up with a little of both. Production hit the nail right on the head. I nuzzle Rose, loving the fact that we coordinate. I've got on a blonde colored vest suit, looking incredibly dashing if I do say so myself. The chain of an antique gold pocket watch dangles at my hip. A solid gold paper clip bracelet charms my wrist with thick gold rings on my pinky and ring finger to match. My hair has grown out a bit and is styled impeccably. I sway happily with my baby in my arms. We get ready to shoot. The remaining extras find their marks.

"Since you're already my girlfriend, pretend you're my wife then."

Rose gives me a cute look. I smirk, peck her cheek, and get into character. We're given the ready and my song plays. Rose instantly turns into another person. Her eyes penetrate my soul while she effortlessly walks sultry circles around me. I hold out my hand and we do the choreography. She spins. My hands reach her hips and I snap her in. Her leg is raised to my hip and we dip. I let my fingers trickle down her chest. She shoots up and we both laugh. I pick her up, my arms hugging right underneath her bottom. She sets her forehead atop mine and we spin. There is no way she hasn't bewitched me. I was expecting for Lacey to call cut with the impromptu arrangement but I guess he liked it. We keep going. I lead us to the other room on the right, following along with my lyrics as a camera trails behind us. I get lost in my words. Lost in Augusta Rose. The way she looks at me makes me forget that there's anyone else in the room. I twist her hips and she turns. Her arm raises and rests behind my head as we stick closely. My fingers smooth down her arm and she tries not to flinch. I trail my fingers down her waist and hold her hips in place. We grind together. The way she moves enchants me. I want to touch more of her but I'm not sure if that would be okay. We haven't discussed it yet either. She is my girlfriend but that doesn't give me the right to do as I please. We dance around more of the lower level and Director Lacey calls cut. We change and I'm still completely concentrated when we move to a fancy dining room. The décor is minimal and sophisticated. There is an elegant and sleek feel to it all. The dark maroon colors contrast my black suit and the smooth reflective black table. I adjust the fine silver chain around my turtle neck and keep myself in the zone. I sit down at the head of the table while makeup touches me up. My rings click against the surface and extras fill in the seats around me. I bop my head, with my lyrics in mind, keeping my focus. Rose enters beautifully dressed in all black and I swear half the room tries not to gasp. The other half just stands with their mouths open. Some extras stare, amazed, while another few squirm in their seats. Rose doesn't even notice. Director Lacey talks to her professionally while a man takes a comb through her hair. I take in her low cut top that stops directly underneath her bust with a single silver ring holding it together. The maxi dress she wears has incredibly high slits, exposing hips and bare flesh every time she takes a step in my direction. Briefly she toys with the Victorian gothic rings dressing her fingers, her hand slips to the top of her slit and she slides fingers inside. Her dark ruby lips are outlined with black, matching the large teardrop necklace on her neck. A pair of ruby earrings dangle in her ears, matching the one around her neck. My eyes narrow and my jaw clenches. I'd let her drain me of my blood any day. She stops at the side of my seat. I take her hand and raise it to my lips. I say something to her and she nods. The music begins and again, I forget that there is anyone else in the room. I give orders to my subordinates and raise my hand. The mob at the table disperses to leave me and my queen alone. I pull Rose into my lap. Going along with the story, I play my character. She leans in close to my ear and whispers something unexpected.

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