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When I wake up the next day Rose isn't there, I stretch and feel around the blankets. I sit up and check my phone. Still October... and well past the afternoon. I hop up and head straight to the bathroom. After my routine I exit my room and trot down the stairs, turning straight into the kitchen. Rose pours a smoothie and looks at me.

"Sup bro. I made smoothies. Do you want-" I don't even respond. I grab Rose and dip her, kissing every open spot on her neck. "Aggh!!" She cries. I continue through my laughter while she giggles.

"Clover, do you want some smoothie?!"

"Mm- sure."

I kiss her a thousand more times before I release her and ask about what she ate and how her work day went. She tells me it was good and fills me in on the little details while I eat what she got for me. I like that she's found her place here. I remember when we first met, she was telling me about her life back at home. She had to cut off some long time friends because the relationships weren't so genuine. Rose is a giver. She always gave more than what she got. I'm glad that she's happy and has the fulfilling relationships she deserves... I could do without Tommy but that's just me. I tell her about last night's dinner and how Terrance casually drops the bomb of being in a relationship with my old doctor. She says exactly what I say.

"How could he forget to mention an entire girlfriend?!"

"That's exactly what I said!"

"Dr. Simmons at that!"


We proceeded. Fed up with the space between us, I wave her over to come sit in my lap and bring up the idea of having a puppy in the house.

"I thought about having a cat but I can't stop picturing a cute little pit bull tearin' up shit."

Rose gasps. "Oh my gosh, I looove pit's. They're such sweet bundles of joy! I hate how they get a bad rap." She frowns and I nod.

"Yeah, I feel for 'em."

"But I think it's a great idea."

We talk a little bit more about it. Rose stands and I get up to clear the table. She tells me that a song just popped into her head and she has to play it. I get so excited whenever she does that. When I say you NEVER know what the fuck is bout to come out of the speaker's, I mean it. Everything that she's played for me I have really enjoyed- and I'm not just saying that. Rose is my homie, I wouldn't lie to her about some shit I don't like. I mean I don't lie anyway but you get the point. I smile when I hear 'I Want to Break Free' by Queen. I look over to see Rose has immediately been thrown into character. I laugh at how animated her expressions are. I almost believe it's her singing. She flashes me that breathtaking smile when she laughs at herself and I nearly melt. I love watching the way she moves freely and sensually. Everything about it is unintentional but so perfect. She looks so carefree. I want to go up and grab her so I do. Rose turns and sticks out an arm, continuing her lip syncing. I stand back and watch her passionate display. When the solo starts, she moves with every string controlling her body. I approach her and she welcomes me. We dance, perfectly in sync. It feels like a scene out of dirty dancing which so happens to be one of her favorite movies. I can't lie either, the shits clean. I'm a sucker for a good romance. Freddie Mercury serenades us with his bewitching charm. Rose cups my face during a particular set of lyrics about living by one's side. I smile. She falls back in my arms and lip syncs her heart out. There isn't a moment when her body's not moving to the melody. I hold her waist and watch her in her musical enchantment. She rises and her arms fall around me. We've done this so many times before. But we haven't. The song fades and the Rose I know comes back to me briefly. She skitters to the counter, hops out of her slippers and jumps on top. She turns, facing me.

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