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Jungkook POV
I know when I said best friend I sounded cold and angry but he has a fucking boyfriend I know jimin said he is probably pranking me but I just don't believe him because bogum sounded serious so I will say that is his fucking boyfriend untill taehyung tell me that it was a prank


I was in class which is math worse subject and you know what is worse that I have taehyung and BOGUM I didn't even know I had him in math if I thought math was worse before now it's even worse

I can see tae staring at me and I was side eyeing him because even though I'm mad at him I still need to see his beauty and how much I want to see all his face and call it all mine but it's not its bogum  I bet you he kisses tae face every day because of the way he is staring at tae

So I'm staring at bogum, bogum is staring at tae, and tae is staring at me hahaha bogum i stole your bitch well not even but he is staring at me cutely and not you

After class

Tae came up to me to go eat lunch like we always do but I thought that now that he has a boyfriend he will go eat with him

"Hey jungkookie lets go eat lunch" he said but when I hear jungkookie my heart was pounding so fast that it was probably going to come out

"But why don't you go eat with your boyfriend he is probably waiting for you" I said trying to not sound sad and angry

Yeah why don't you go to your little boyfriend and eat with him he was staring at you toward all class so go eat with him

"Ohhh about that when bogum told you that he was just joking I told him to prank you and tell you that he is my boyfriend but he isn't,I already have someone who has my heart" he said I felt relief that he is not dating him and I felt happy when he said "someone who has my heart" and looked at me and bushed

I'm not that dumb okay I know he was talking about me because we have talk about this but I always say I need to figure out my feelings

bogum when he was talking about being his boyfriend he was serious and he was staring at tae all class time maybe he likes him but I'm happy it was just a prank

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