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Jungkook POV

I was waiting at his door of his room, when he open his door, He was surprised to see me and the flowers in my hand

"Jungkookie why didn't you tell me to meet you up here and why do you have those flowers in your hand?" He asked

"I need your help on how do ask my crush out.....can you help me?"I lie just to see his reaction

"" He asked

"Uhhh I will tell you later but can you help me?" I asked him

"Yeah....sure w-what do you need help with?" He ask

"Uhhh how to ask my crush out" I said

"Well you can go to their house knock on the door wait until they open the door tell them what you feel and kiss them yeah that is all well go go go ask.........her your.......g-girlfriend go" he said

"Oh okay thank you for your help"I said smiling

"No problem" he said really quite

He push me outside of his room and close the door I wait 15 minutes later and knock on his door again he opened the door........he was crying

"W-what a-are y-you *stiff* d-doing h-here *stiff* y-you were g-going to a-ask h-her o-out" he said

"But I never said it was a girl" I said still smiling

"What...... then who are you asking out??"he said shocked

"Well you said to knock on their so I did" I said smiling

"But you knock my door?"he said

"That why I knock my crush door" I said

"I'm the crush you want to ask out"he said I nodded

"So Kim taehyung will you be my most beautiful boyfriend?"I asked

"OMG of course" he said and jumped on me and kissed me


"Hey love birds we are still here stop making out please" yoongi says in a annoyed voice but he was making out with jimin before he said something but none of them said something because of how scary he can be

"Sorry sorry I just can help and make out with this beauty in front of me" says jungkook which makes taehyung bushes and hit him

"Stop doing that....stop making me bush" taehyung whisper to jungkook

"I can't help it you look so cute when you are bushing and I can't help and not make out with you" jungkook says and again kissing taehyung in front of his hyungs

"Yahhh you guys fr need to get a room"Jennie says while rolling her eyes even tho she was also making out with Lisa

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