Best friend??

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Taehyung POV

I'm glad that my jungkookie knows that it was all a prank and he can stop being mad at me because I miss him so much

"so what do y'all want to do?" Jimin asked well he was looking at yoongi but we knew he was talking to everyone

"Hey jimin you know what we should do, we can hung out at this pretty park with pink trees" jungkook said......damn he is so attractive

"Sure we can do that it will be fu-" I was about to finish what I was about to say when jungkook interrupt

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"Sure we can do that it will be fu-" I was about to finish what I was about to say when jungkook interrupt

"I mean just me and jimin sorry" jungkook said I'm not going to lie I was really jealous because they always hung out I mean all the time

" oh okay well...uhh I wanted to talk to you about something jungkook but I will wait" I said sounding mad because welll jimin is taking my man away

" yeah... well you can or....tomorrow" jungkook said awkward like really nervous......I wonder why


Jungkook POV

So I wanted to talk to jimin about taehyung and for him to help me ask tae out because well I have strong feelings for him not even feelings I'm literally inlove with him and I'm so nervous so I want jimin to help me

"So what do you want to talk about jungkook?" Jimin asked curious about what I have to say

"Uhhh well I want to about taehyung" I said really nervous

"Now what happened I thought y'all are okay with each other.....tell me what did he or you d-"
I interrupt him because well we are okay with each other, I just want to ask him how to ask tae out

"It not that we are okay with each other it just...uhh...I....w-want...t-to...a-ask....him out"I said stutterer because of how nervous I was

"Oh okay.......WAIT WHAT you want to ask Tae out you got the balls now after let me think oh yeah after 3 years!?" jimin said screaming I think everyone hear him

"Yah shorty shut up now you are making me lose my confidence and I just figured out my feelings 4 weeks ago okay"i said annoyed

"First of all stop calling me shorty I'm not that short okay and you should asked him out yesterday"jimin said annoyed too

"No I'm still going to call you shorty because you are the same height as a 4 year old and yesterday I didn't have confidence but today I have so help me shorty pleaseeee" I said

"Yahhh stop calling me that and just go to his house go to his room with flowers and ask him out and make out with him that is all" jimin said

"Yahhh jiminn I'm not going to make out with him after asking him out but I will do what you said but not the make out part byeee shorty thank youuuuu" I said running to tae house

" YAHHHH I SAID TO STOP CALLING ME SHORTY!!" Jimin said I could hear him because he is so damn loud


So I'm at tae's house ready to ask him out, I ring the doorbell and waited until someone open the door some minutes pass and Jennie open the door

"Oh hey jungkook what are you doing here?" She asked

"I came to see your brother is he here?" I asked, I'm pretty close with Jennie so we are almost always talking about my sister or her brother

"Oh yeah he is in his room I see that you have some flowers i see that you finally have that courage to ask my brother out" she said

"Yeah now I have the confidence and the courage to ask him out" I said smiling

"Well I will stop talking and let you go ask my brother out good luck" she said and left to her room

I went to his room i knock to see if he open the door which he did he was surprised to see me and the flowers in my hand

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