The dream

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Taehyung pov

I woke up and realized that it was all a dream, jungkook never ask me out and I'm hurt because well I thought that I will finally be with my crush who I been in love him for years but no it was just a dream

I have to get ready for school though still if it was all a dream it was the best dream I have ever dreamed about

Taehyung's outfit

Jungkook's outfit

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Jungkook's outfit

And like it was in the dream, we went to go pick up my soon to be boyfriend and my sisters girlfriend, but ofc my soon to to be boyfriend looked so fine I wished that dream was true

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And like it was in the dream, we went to go pick up my soon to be boyfriend and my sisters girlfriend, but ofc my soon to to be boyfriend looked so fine I wished that dream was true


"Hi guys" jimin says after class because they were already at lunch

"Hey shorty" jungkook says which made jimin mad and me mad because why are they always flirting with each other

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me shorty" jimin said

"But you are short" Lisa says and everyone agrees except me because I don't care about jimin well I do he is my soulmate but he is taking my man aways from me again

"Tae you don't think jimin is short" jungkook asks me which i looked at him and didn't answer which the whole table got confused but started talking again expect jungkook who was confused at me

"Hey are you okay" jungkook asks him and I looked at him and I just nodded my head which he didn't
like that one bit

No I'm not okay you are flirting with jimin while knowing I like you I know you need to figure out your feelings but at lea don't flirt in front of me

"I need words are you it about know me and jimin are only fri-" jungkook was about about to finish but I cut him off

Jimin and always about jimin you like that name to much jungkook....

"I don't care about you and jimin's relationship.....I just didn't want to talk." I told him in a mean way which again he didn't like

"Hey me and him are just friends and i been telling you I'm trying to figure out my feelings okay...." Jungkook says trying to make me understand

"Like I said jungkook I.... Don'" And the bell ring which means to go to class and after saying that I left.

It was just a dream Where stories live. Discover now