The Murder

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"Please sit down," hissed a dark voice from the shadows. The door slammed shut - no way out.
"Have a drink." The princess took one hesitant sip of her goblet and... Dead.

"Snow White was found dead just days ago. I am here with detective Cinderella who has found some leads on this disturbing case."
"Yes Steven, at first we thought the princess may have committed suicide, but then we looked in the castle on the southwest part of town where the crime was committed. After thorough research and investigation, we have found traces of DNA leading back to The Evil Queen. Her fingerprints were found on the walls and several poison vials were found at the crime scene. From what we can concur, this had been a murder that hadn't been planned out thoughtfully. The Evil Queen will enter the courtroom on the 23rd waiting for her sentence."
"And we're clear!" The news had finished.
Cinderella quickly walked away from the set. She didn't want to hang around too long to get interviewed. She couldn't handle any more press for today. She walked confidently to the one place where she knew no one would bother her. She needed to be alone in her thoughts, and plan her next move.
"Psst," a voice arose from behind the enchanted tree Cinderella was stationed at. The Evil Queen popped her large head from out of the bushes.
"What the hell are you doing? You know I didn't commit Snow White's crime. She was a lovely little girl, and even though I've poisoned her before, I wouldn't be stupid enough to do it again!"
"Whatever." Cinderella replied to the comment. She knew the Evil Queen didn't commit the crime, but she needed someone to pin it on. To cause a little commotion.
"This could ruin my life! I literally just got out of prison!" For someone who had just left the 'big house' she was actually a very pretty woman.  A little on the older side of course, but still nice looking.
"Look, it's nothing personal. Chances are, they won't throw you in. There isn't really enough evidence against you." Cinderella ran away before the Evil Queen could argue. She just hoped that the judge would trust the detective and put the 'criminal' away. 
Three days later .....

"And we're back with detective Cinderella who has concluded Snow White's case. Cinderella has claimed The Evil Queen is the killer due to some DNA found in the room of the crime. The Evil Queen has been sentenced to 30 years in jail due to her despicable crimes."
The bars shut. The Evil Queen thought to herself, Was this a fair consequence for a crime she didn't commit?
• • •
"Hey Cinderella," screeched her stepmother.
"What?" Cinderella replied. "I'm kind of busy here."
"Busy sitting on the grass in the middle of the enchanted woods comparing your 'fraudy' notes on Snow White's crime?"
"Don't be ridiculous!" Cinderella raised her voice with anger. "You know there was DNA on that poison vial."
"Well you didn't see your small mouse's jacket at the scene of the crime, did you? I believe it belonged to that pesky little rat, GUS GUS!" The stepmother screeched.

"I didn't do it, I swear officer! It doesn't make sense. With all due respect officer Callum, I think you should let me off the hook." Cinderella pleaded.
"You're right Cinderella, Officer Callum said in agreement. After all, you are investigating this case, not committing the crime."
"I think you're right, Officer." Cinderella said as she smirked an evil smirk. Unlike what she thought, not everyone was on her side. Cinderella's stepmother knew Cinderella had done something awful, so she needed to plant more evidence. A few strands of blonde hair should do the trick.
One week later...In the courtroom

"Cinderella", whispered the judge. "People seem to think that you were the one that committed Snow White's crime. Is this true?"
"Yes, your honour." Every prince and princess in the courtroom gasped.
"And is this," again whispered the judge, "The blonde hairs that are proven to be yours in the room of the crime?" The judge said, holding up a plastic bag with a few golden locks.
"I believe so your honour."
"It's settled then, '' exclaimed the judge. Cinderella you will be sentenced to 50 years for successful murder and might I add for framing The Evil Queen. Guilty!"
• • •
The princess was locked up in the dark, damp jail cell, with no escape. "So Cinderella, now that you are here we can complete our mission," whispered Snow White. Their mission had begun.

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