The Finale

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Part 1 - Welcome to Music Class
One day. One day was all they had to complete the mission they had spent nearly three months executing. One day until the disguise potion they had taken would run out. And their true identities would be revealed to everyone. Especially to EICD, who wanted nothing more than to have the wand for themselves. To have the power.
"So tell me, what is this little plan that you have spent so long thinking about?" Snow asked, turning to her now fat middle-aged man friend.
"Ok so, the wand is located in the very centre of Fairytale land, in the 'Poulet Tordu', the most famous tower in the whole of the land. It contains six floors. The first three are filled with other well known magical items that are of course guarded by military-grade army men and women. The last three floors are in place specifically for the magic wand. They are a series of obstacles designed to stop one from ever reaching the wand. It is believed that mere humans would not do this job successfully enough. Only magic can protect the Fairy Godmother's wand. I already have something planned for the guards, and once that is in motion, we should be all good to sneak past and begin the obstacles."
"Sounds beyond brilliant."
"Wow, a sentence that isn't sarcastic." Cinderella giggled. Snow rolled her eyes as they made their way to the Poulet Tordu. The only 'person' they had left to help them in their mission was Bob, who was invisible flying above them because Lumiere and Clocksworth had gone to spend time with the Beast back at his castle before he drove himself mentally insane. Belle had broken up with him.
A couple moments later they had reached the tower.
"Ok so we are just allowed to go in?" Snow questioned.
"Well I mean yeah of course it is still a place where ordinary citizens can see the history." Cinderella responded.
They waddled their fat man bodies into the large, golden doors of the tower. As they entered, they were amazed at the sight they saw. The whole inside of the tower was made completely of gold. It had beautiful and intricate detailing among all the walls. Golden ferns wrapped the walls, leaving the princess in awe as they took in the sight. Nutcracker men were guarding all the magical items, standing tall, all made of solid wood. Their painted faces stared ahead of them in the most creepy way possible. They were guarding things like Tinkerbell's pixie dust, Aladdin's magic lamp, a sketch of the mythical Mexican race, and a framed photo of a man named Ryan Reynolds for some reason. The statue Nutcrackers made no movements whatsoever as the two 'men' began to wander the exhibit. All the Nutcrackers had different nametags. Some read Lenzo, Davis, Faass, Rojas, and the one that seemed to be in charge of all the other Nutcrackers, Greg.
"I have a sleeping bomb for the guards," whispered Cinderella. "On my cue, I want you to create a distraction, so I can drop it discreetly."
Snow nodded in a cool way. They walked around a little more and Cinderella finally pulled the bomb out of the satchel where all the other magical items laid.
Snow screamed and dropped her middle-aged man's body to the ground. She started intensely wiggling on the ground and twisting her body in the most disturbing way possible. Whatever she was doing, it distracted the Nutcrackers momentarily and Cinderella released the bomb. The whole room filled with gas and all the wooden men toppled to the ground in unison.
"Well, it looks like that worked." Snow said as she dusted off her hands.
"What the hell were you trying to do there?" Cinderella said.
"I was trying to breakdance. Believe it or not, this body is very restricting." They both chuckled as they dodged the statues laying on the ground, smiles still painted on their faces.
They raced to the golden elevator in the right corner behind a large pillar. As the elevator doors opened, they stepped inside. They looked at the buttons available to push and there was only one. It read 'Welcome to Music Class.'

The elevator doors opened onto the fourth floor. The first level. As they stepped out of the elevator they turned back to their original bodies. The elevator to the first challenge level had washed away all magical powers. It opened to reveal a large jazz orchestra, complete with trumpets, saxophones, pianos and drums. The conductor, a tall skinny man dressed in a 3 piece suit, glared at the new intruders, every instrument stopped playing the melody that was set out in front of them. This room was drastically different from the tower lobby. It was set up exactly like a large theatre with chairs littering all of the rows. Everyone in the jazz band turned and faced them. "Umm hello?" Snow White said, creases forming in between her eyebrows.
"Walk." The conductor said. "Walk towards me." The spectacles on his nose wiggled as he sniffed and gestured them to come towards him. They began to walk down the amphitheatre and past all the chairs. When they reached the front, the band began to play again. This beautiful masterpiece was, of course, captivating to listen to, but the princesses weren't quite sure what the challenge was supposed to be. Cinderella spotted a door to her left with a large exit sign. She motioned to Snow to follow her out the door and they began walking. The music stopped once more. The musicians' eyes began glowing and their mouths began to open extremely wide. They all stood up from their seats and began to march in unison towards them. They bared their pointy teeth and began to charge. The killer clown-like robot musicians shot their laser eye balls at their victims as the princesses ran for cover. They began to hurl their instruments at their targets with their unusually strong arms.
The two women ran as they were being chased around the theatre. The conductor of the robot killer clowns were ordering all kinds of instructions at them including 'No mercy' and 'The wand shall be forever protected.'
The only thing that was wrong was that they didn't know how to stop them, and also the fact that they were getting continuously shot at. They continued running until they could come up with a plausible way to escape. Suddenly, Snow let out a cry. One of the violin players threw their bow and it stabbed her right through the arm. She fell onto the stage as the bright lights shone from above.
"We have to keep moving Snow. The exit is right over there, if we run now we might just make it." Cinderella pleaded.
There was blood covering all of Snow White's clothes and her face was looking very pale. Cinderella picked her up and they ran for it. Down the side of the stage and past where the previous band had played peacefully.
The robots began to come closer. They got down on all fours and began to crawl towards them, twitching as they cocked their heads from side to side, mouths open wide and eyes glowing red.
The princesses were about to reach the door. Cinderella threw it open, quickly shut it behind her and clicked the lock on the back. She laid Snow White down on the ground in front of the next elevator that lay right behind the exit. She had grown unconscious. A moment or two later, the melodies of jazz began to echo in the music room once more.

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