The Pricked Finger

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After what seemed like 20 years they had reached the land of Myah. It was small but full of life and personality. This is where the princesses would retrieve the second last item, Aurora's spinning wheel. They had already retrieved Cinderella's shoe, Snow White's apple and of course Belle's rose. Like any other adventure, this one involved danger of sorts but nothing like what they were about to experience.
"Wow, would you look at that! After two days of sitting on this stupid fat horse, we have come to possibly the smallest and most crowded town of all. This is great considering we are WANTED CRIMINALS!"
"Calm down, Snow," Cinderella comforted. "I'm sure we will be just fine. But before we enter, I think we need a change of attire." With those words, they jumped off Bob (who needed a rest) and stripped off into their undergarments. They made sure to pull up by a river right outside Myah. While Cinderella was busy fashioning any new clothes she could with the remaining fabrics from the dresses, Snow White washed her face in the river while they chatted about how they were going to break into the vault underground that contained the spinning wheel. "Ok so here's what I'm thinking," Cinderella said, "We need a distraction, something to distract the guards while you crack the code to the vault''.
"What distraction are you thinking of?" Snow White questioned.
Cinderella shrugged and they sat in silence for mere moments before they heard something. It can only be described as little chatter amongst two people. They turned around wearily and couldn't even explain what they saw. Emerging from their satchel was the one and only......
"Lumiere!" Both of the former princesses gasped. "And Clocksworth!"
"Good afternoon Mademoiselles, I believe you have your distraction," Lumiere said happily, gesturing to both him and the small clock standing beside him.
"What are you guys even doing here?" Snow asked.
"Allow me to explain", Lumiere continued. "Though the castle we lived in previously was wonderful in many ways, we searched for an adventure of course! We long for nothing more than adrenaline."
"He wants to help you take over the Fairytale land," Clockworth murmured.
"Ahh that makes more sense," Cinderella laughed, amused that a small candlestick and a clock would be interested in something like this. "Ok," she continued, "you may join us if you provide a distraction so Snow can crack the safe".
"Deal!" Lumiere said with delight. And with this, they both put on pantsuits that Cinderella carefully fashioned out of the dresses, and went on their way to the front gates of Myah.
"Wait, aren't they still going to recognise us?" Snow White stated.
"No, the word of us hasn't even reached half of the Fairytale land yet."
"Ok," Snow White said, reassured by Cinderella's words. "But this doesn't mean we can slack off. We still need to be discreet and fully aware that anyone could recognise us." With that, they marched through the front gates of Myah and into the small town.
"The vault containing the spinning wheel is located 60 feet under solid concrete. The building containing the wheel is famously known as The Increous Museum of Fairytale belongings and Items. This may be our toughest task yet".
"No shit genius", Snow White murmured. They prodded themselves through the gates and tried their hardest to blend in with the crowd. This was hard considering both the princesses had a talking candle and clock stashed away in their satchel. Not to mention a fat alicorn trotting next to them.
"It's getting late," Cinderella mentioned. "We should find somewhere to stay for tonight. Luckily I know exactly the right place we can go. I have an old friend."
"An old friend, like elderly, or an old friend, like a friend you have known for a long time?" Snow questioned.
"Yes." Cinderella replied. And with that, they walked a couple of hundred kilometres out of the city of Myah. Right on the outskirts if you will.
"Guess what Cinderella?"
"What Snow?"
"I actually can't remember a time when we weren't walking across this tiny, pathetic excuse for a town. At least now Bob won't be so fat because he's been walking so much. You know, burning some kilos."
"Don't be rude to Bob," Cinderella complained.
"I wouldn't be rude if he wasn't eating some leftover cake he found on the side of the road. SO MUCH FOR THE WALKING BOB." Bob grunted with disgust and booted Snow White in the head so hard that she fell over.
"AAAAAAAHHHH. BOB YOU STUPID IDIOT." Snow White said in an angry voice. Snow White whipped out a bow and arrow and shot Bob in the heart. She proceeded to rip out his heart as she and Cinderella shared it in a delighted feast.
"What a wonderful plan", Cinderella cheered. "Bye-bye Bob."
"Snow. Are you ok Snow? You haven't spoken in like 2 minutes."
"Sorry," Snow replied. "Just dreaming."
"Then why do you have a bow in your hand and Bob is lying dead on the floor?"
"AHHHHH," Snow White awoke with a start. She was sleeping on a bale of hay and on the ground next to Bob, perfectly fine.
"Are you ok Snow? Bad dream?" Cinderella asked, getting concerned.
"Yeah I guess."
"Well let me get Rumplestiltskin to get you some breakfast. Bob, do you want some carrots?" Bob nodded his head excitedly. They found themselves in a small townhouse right on the edge of the city of Myah. Cinderella and Rumplestiltskin entered with burnt toast and a ton of orange juice and of course some carrots for Bob.
"Breakfast," Rumple said with delight.
"Ooh delicious," Lumiere exclaimed excitedly, very eager to indulge in the crappy looking meal.
"Ok so here's the plan," Cinderella said as she sat down on the hay Snow was sitting on. "We use Lumiere and Cocksworth as a distraction as we grab the keycard from the security guard's belt once we pose as tourists inside the museum. We then use the keycard to enter the museum's security room and disable all the security cameras as well as disable all the keycards available apart from the keycard that we are carrying. This way all the keycards carried by the other guards will not be accessible. We then use a poisonous gas bomb that Rumple has crafted for us to knock out everyone in the museum, while we wear masks of course. Then we take the elevator down to the room with the spinning wheel. It will of course have laser sensors but we will have already disabled them at the security room. We grab the wheel, put it in the satchel, collect Lumiere and Clocksworth on the way up, and get the hell out of there. Does that sound ok?"
"Cinderella, that's brilliant!" Snow shouted as she stood ready for action. "When do we leave?"
"In 3 hours. Rumple just needs to finish the poisonous gas bomb and then we should be set to go."
"Great. We leave at 11 sharp. I'm assuming Bob will stay here until we return?" Snow asked.
"Yep," Cinderella responded.
After 3 long hours, they were dressed in their best tourist attire with Lumiere, Clocksworth, and the poisonous gas bomb (that Rumple had fashioned) stuffed into the small satchel. They took a horse and carriage, leaving Bob behind, they headed straight for the museum. After about 15 minutes they were there.
"Ok," Cinderella said as they pulled up outside the museum. "We need to do our best with this and successfully get out within the next 30 mins and make it back to the cottage."
"Got it," Snow replied. They walked into the museum and pretended to be interested in all the artefacts there. Robin Hood's bow and arrow, The Little Mermaid's fork, so on and so on. The museum was massive. It could've fitted at least 50 reasonable sized houses inside, if not more. Both of the former princesses spotted the guard they were going to distract and began the plan.
"Ready candlestick and clock?" Cinderella asked.
"Ready," they both whispered back.
The clock and candlestick leaped out of the satchel at high speed and started to attack the guard. They pulled on his hair and poked his eyes as he screeched in pain. Cinderella and Snow took this as their chance and grabbed his keycard without him noticing. They then (in a very discrete fashion) slipped into the security room.
"Whoa this place is cool," Snow said, admiring the flashing lights and colours surrounding them. "If an epileptic person went in here, they would have a very painful seizure."
"Nice thought," Cinderella laughed. "Ok-" she said as she walked over to the light board. "-Off all keycards but 1, and disable all security cameras", Cinderella said as she narrated her movements.
"Lovely, now let's release that poisonous gas bomb", Snow said as she walked outside the security room and threw the bomb out into the open. "Masks," she said. They both put the gas masks on from the satchel and walked out of the room. The whole area had turned green and over a dozen people were lying unconscious on the floor. They took two lefts and a right until they reached the elevators. The gas must have moved quickly, because the guards guarding the elevator were already out cold.
"Ok it should be level B19," Cinderella said as she pressed the buttons on the elevator door. They shot down over 1,000 levels before an idea occurred to them.
"Wait. Won't there be guards at the bottom guarding the wheel? The gas wouldn't have reached them." Snow turned to Cinderella, looking concerned.
"Get ready to fight." They held up their fists as a bell dinged to indicate that they had reached their destination. The doors opened and they launched. Cinderella took on the first guard and rammed him into a wall and then kicked him in the groyne as he let out a painful moan. Snow White booted a guard in the head and twisted his arm back as it cracked. They both fell on the floor, unable to move.
"Hell yeah bitch!" Snow said as she high-fived her partner in crime.
"I can't believe it was that easy!"
"Ok let's get the wheel and get out of here!" Snow exclaimed. They took the spinning wheel out of the glass case it was displayed in. They took off the masks and threw them on the ground. They bolted up the elevator, past the unconscious people and out the door.
"Oh no we forgot Lumiere and Clocksworth," Cinderella shouted.
"Ok, I will run back and get them, while you hold the satchel," Snow shouted back. Cinderella watched as she ran inside. This was her perfect opportunity. She ran to the horse and carriage with the satchel and bolted from the museum, Snow White, Lumiere and Clocksworth. She had to do it. She so desperately wanted the power the fairy Godmother's wand would bring for herself. "Goodbye Snow White. I hope we will meet again soon." Now that she had 4 of the 5 objects, she would be unstoppable.

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