The Drunken Cage

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Cinderella raced into Harding and was met with a rather disturbing site. Snow White approached her, one of her eyes was gouged out and cuts and bruises all over her face.
"Oh my goodness what happened Snow?!" Cinderella screamed as she hugged her friend.
"They attacked me."
"Who attacked you? Who!? Tell ME!" Cinderella screamed. Snow White fell to the ground. So fragile that her limbs started twitching uncontrollably.
"Evil Incorporated Clinic Department," she spluttered. "They said they were looking for you, and that they had been watching you. They said that you were planning to complete our mission with me. They said you made a deal with them, and that me being out of the way would help that mission continue its progress." Cinderella couldn't believe what she was hearing. Would EICD really do that? She didn't care. If anybody hurt her friend, they were going to pay.
"It's okay Snow it doesn't matter. We are going to finish what we started. We have all the items, all we need to do now is to take them to the Fairytale land without being detected and switch them out for the magic wand. Without being caught by EICD of course." Cinderella laughed a nervous laugh. She helped Snow to her feet and proceeded to wipe all the blood gushing from her face with the spare clothes that they had in the satchel. "I'll take you to Rumple, I'm sure he will patch you up real nice and then we can be going on our way."
"Cinderella," Snow whimpered. "Thank you for coming back."
• • •
They rode Bob the short journey it was to Rumplestiltskin's house. After they knocked on the front door, Rumple understood the urgency of the situation and let them both into his little cottage. It took around two hours to patch Snow White up.
"Unfortunately, the damage to Snow's eye is too severe, she is going to have to lose it," Rumple muttered. Snow huffed dramatically.
"This is your fault Bob."
"How is it Bob's fault?" Cinderella argued as Snow was sitting on a bale of hay, holding gauze up to her eye.
"You know I will find an excuse for a tragedy to blame Bob." Bob turned to the side and looked visibly offended. Snow snickered and threw her bloody gauze at Bob. He ate it. Then threw it up.
"So what will we do? The EICD is still after us and there is no way of us ever combining the items to get the magic wand. Every move we make, every step we take, they will be watching us." Cinderella grammatically pointed out.
"Good point." Snow said. "Any ideas?"
"You could always just drink a bottle of Gnal. That will make you unrecognisable." Rumple suggested.
"What the hell is that?" Snow asked. "That sounds very dangerous and I don't think I want to be suspicious."
"Oh please Snow, when have you even not wanted to be suspicious?" Cinderella commented.
"Fine whatever. If you couldn't tell, I'm not in the best mood. I did just lose an eye for Christ's sake." They both drank the Gnal with disgusted looks on as their appearances began changing instantly. Snow had grown a beard, and grown her missing eye back, and Cinderella had gained 20 pounds and shrunk about an inch or two.
"This potion will last 3 days," Rumple said. "Use your time wisely." And with a fresh change of clothing, they were off on their way to Fairytale land. To receive the magic wand. In disguise. On Bob. What could go wrong?

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