Chapter Four - The Noble King

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At the same night at the Madens house...

The sky is full of the clouds of winter and the snow is blowing outside.
Ellita is brushing her shiny and wavy hair in front of the mirror before she goes to bed and Stella is staying speechless in her bed. She didn't say a word since this evening since no one believed her about Narnia.
She doesn't even know who she can trust.

Ellita:You are so silent today. Why?
Stella:Because no one believes me.
Ellita:About what?
Stella:About Narnia.
Ellita:If you want to tire me with your imaginary land again can you at least let me in peace tonight?
Stella:I though you liked stories with magic and princesses.
Ellita:I do. But I don't expect to wake one morning in a castle with a prince smiling at me and take me to his horse. If only it was possible...
Stella:But I am speaking the truth! Narnia is real! Even the mermaids and the other creatures! I saw them! And I even felt the warm in the landscape! I didn't see any snow where I went!
Ellita:Yeah, surely. What comes next? The Sleeping Beauty? Snow White? Cinderella maybe?

Stella gives her a look of ignition and lies down, covering herself with her blanket. Elizabeth comes into their room to check if they have slept and notices that they are both awake.

Elizabeth:You're not asleep yet?
Ellita:Not yet.
Elizabeth:At last I hope you're not talking about your fantasy land anymore.

Stella gets up from her bed angry and she yells at her sister.

Stella:Why none of you don't believe me?! I am telling the truth!
Elizabeth:This is what happens when kids grow up with fairytales!

Ellita throws her hair brush to the dresser and feels the anger and frustration blow up.
She knows deep down that Stella isn't telling the truth

Ellita:If you want to teach your little lessons this time at night I am not eager to listen. I want a good sleep and I'm not ruining it for arguments! Go to bed.
Elizabeth:I am just telling that...
Ellita:I know what you're telling! And I know what you mean! Do you want to live with reality? Fine! Go and read the letter of the announcement of our father's death! And then go and look the pictures of the war that Theodore has taken with his lost friends! Go and pray to the graves of the people we lose every day! Drown to your misery! But guess what! I will not!

Ellita goes to bed at last, covers herself with the blanket and Elizabeth takes a deep breath.


Stella takes a deep breath too and before she falls asleep she decides to say one last thing.

Stella:I don't remember much of dad... but I know that once he told me to always tell the truth. That's what I want to do now.

Elizabeth leaves the room with a surprised look as she heard her sister say such a thing. How is it possible for Stella to remember her father? And even more, why did she mention him now?
Then she sees Theodore in the hallway going to bed too.

Elizabeth:Did Michael sleep?
Theodore:He went to bed. But I don't think he's asleep. He will play with his plastic soldiers again. Poor boy, only if he knew what real soldiers are.

He notices that his sister is filled with great sorrow right now.

Theodore:I know this look. Something happened with Ell again.
Elizabeth:How... how did we get this way? We used to be a family. Now we are just related by blood.
Theodore:Our father died, our mother is away, I went to war, we've been alone in this mansion for 4 years... isn't that enough?
Elizabeth:If we knew our grandparents maybe things would have been different. Maybe... a part of our father would stay with them.
Theodore:They died before dad married mom. And now speaking about them, we know so few about our father's past. His family, his relatives... the only thing we know is that he was found in the attic of a mansion far away from here with his sister. With the Wardrobe wide open. He was very silent as a kid and after that he was adopted by a couple. Then he traveled the world... and married mom.

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