Chapter Five - The Basement of the Ruins

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The next day at the Madens house...
This cold morning in England everything is quiet. Elizabeth, Theodore and Michael prefer to stay inside their home but Stella and Ellita decide to walk in the snow together and talk a little about Narnia while no one is around.
They even hope that today they will find the flute again and locate another entrance to Narnia.
They are both so happy and excited since their experience and they cannot stop talking about it even though they are out, in the ice cold weather. Where the snow is very hard to walk at.
Stella tells Ellita all of the story she has learnt from her new Narnian friends and Ellita listens to her with amaze.

Stella:And so... as far as I know these
kings and queens of old will never come back again. The last time they seen them were at one big big ship!
Ellita:It's a shame. I would love to meet them.
Stella:Are you sure about what you heard from Caspian? About this... Evil Witch?
Ellita:Yes. I am. He waited that the next heroes of Narnia would be called and that we must be the ones. First you come and then me.
Stella:Hm, I see. Do you think the others are going to visit?
Ellita:I don't know. Hey,... tell me... do you think Caspian... um... enjoys my company?
Stella:I don't know. I didn't notice him well. I was playing with the water nymphs! Why do you ask?
Ellita:Oh, nothing. I... I don't hear anything. Let's get inside. It's freezing out here.

The girls start to tremble from the cold as their cheeks and noses turn red.
They get really disappointed that they couldn't find an entrance today...
Stella wants to go back to Narnia to see these creatures again, to make new friends and Ellita wants to go and see Caspian.
They go inside the house where Elizabeth is making tea for everyone in the kitchen.
She approaches the girls who seem happy and enthusiastic for some unexplained reason.

Elizabeth:What were you doing out there? Counting snowflakes?
Stella:Oh, no. We were just talking.
Elizabeth:Talking? In the cold? And who is this... Caspian you two keep talking about?

Ellita smiles and blushes when she hears this name but she decides not to tell anything to her sister.

Ellita:O-Oh... no one. We just read a book and shared our opinion about it.
Elizabeth:I hope it was a book that is deserved to be read.

They both ignore their sister's critics and go to their room to continue their conversation with happiness and euphoria. Elizabeth finishes the tea and goes upstairs curious for the girls' behavior. When she passes through their room with the tea in her hands she notices that the door is closed and she can only hear them whisper to each other.

In the meantime Theodore is reading a book in his room in peace and Michael is inside with him playing with his soldier plastic miniature pretending and imagining himself in the war. His imagination flaws as he moves his soldiers in the air and as Theodore tries to read in quiet and ignore his brother.

Michael:You will see soldiers, we are going to win! The army of the British is going to win soon! Yes! Oh no! The Germans are throwing us bombs at us! No, no, no! Prepare the tanks! Come on soldiers!

Hearing Michael, Theodore has these flashbacks from the war again, all these bombs, fires, deaths and destructions that come to his mind every time he. Elizabeth comes inside to bring them their tea.

Elizabeth:Theodore, Michael... your tea.
Elizabeth:And careful! It's still too hot! You are going to burn your tongue.
Michael:I'm bored of everyday's tea and house! I want to do something different! Why don't we go all together on a mountain?! We can climb all together and reach the top of it!

Theodore responds with irony.

Theodore:Yes. And why don't we take a boat and seal the Atlantic Ocean after that?
Michael:Good idea!
Elizabeth:Michael please, do keep your  journeys inside your mind would you?
Michael:Today the girls are acting weird. Why?
Elizabeth:They keep talking about some... Caspian. And of some... witch.
Michael:At least Stella stopped talking about her imaginary land, this... Nania.
Theodore:No, I think it's Narnia. How did she come up with that story?
Elizabeth:She probably read some book.
Elizabeth:I was right about these fairytale books. They influence kids too much.
Theodore:Here we go again.
Michael:If the lesson starts again I prefer to go and play with them! Have tea with Stella's dolls!
Theodore:Please be quiet... I don't want to hear any more arguments. God, I'm never going to finish this book.
Elizabeth:Well I don't want to cause them either. But sometimes I don't have a choice.
Michael:Yes, you do have. You can close your mouth.

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