Sparklington 1

910 43 19

Set in season 1 - during the construction of Jerry's tree.

James's POV (Wag)

I groaned, stretching my back and feeling my bones crack as I straightened my posture for the first time in days. Jerry's tree was one of the most time consuming builds we had taken on in a long time and I had been working overtime on it to finish at least the basic structure before Jordan came back so I could give him the grand tour. A few days ago he had ventured to the End in order to attempt to communicate with Ianite and he was due to return later this evening. Tom, Tucker and Sonja were all in some secret meeting with their gods - probably getting lectured about all the violence and unneeded bloodshed they had been causing.

My fellow wizards had already called it a night, leaving me to finish my work under the light of the stars. It was peaceful and I needed quiet to finish the complex watch tower we had put on the top of the tree. For me it was one of the most beautiful creations I had made, the view itself making the world outside the tree seem so small and insignificant. I sighed, placing my wand down for a bit and just sitting on the edge of the branch, my legs hanging down and my attention lost in my thoughts.

My mind wandered to Jordan, wondering what on earth he could be doing in the End that could have taken him so long to complete. I missed him, a lot and I always hated it when he couldn't spend time with me because of the others, or when I had to spend an entire day building instead of helping him. A blush crept along my cheek as I recalled how he looked at me sometimes, that adorable yet infuriating smirk when he was in the right as well as his hair becoming unruly as the wind whipped against it, his fingers attempting to tame it as mischief glinted in his perfect brown eyes.

I had always been a very blunt person, always keen to speak my mind in any scenario but around Jordan I became a stuttering wreck. Constantly unsure of myself and all that I did, I always had to think through what I was doing at least three times before I attempted to explain it to Jordan. I had known for a long time that he was the light of my life, someone I eventually wanted to have a relationship with but I doubted that it would ever happen. It was widely known that Jordan had a thing for Tom and that he was too oblivious to see that Tom was clearly not interested. He was going to have his heart broken, I knew it and it hurt to even imagine Jordan's beautiful eyes filled with pain and tears.

I was dragged out of my thoughts by a hand grasping my shoulder, causing me to jump about ten feet with my fists raised in a defensive position. My eyes focused on the slender form of Jordan with a glint of amusement in his eyes as he watched the embarrassment set my face aflame. In his hand he held my wizard wand, gesturing for me to take it back off him - which I did, barely meeting his eyes and mumbling out a thank you. My hand nervously pushed my hair out of my eyes as my gaze darted around the platform, trying to figure out what to do next. I decided on casual conversation, well as casual as I could do it with a face as red as redstone.

"So... H-How was the End? Did you manage to get in contact with I-Ianite?"

A look of conflict flashed across his briefly, replaced with resignation as he began to fidget, scratching the back of his neck as his eyes stared out across the landscape. His voice was a mere whisper, barely understandable from where I was standing.

"I went to ask her for advice. I got the answer I was expecting and then some."

Confusion must have been evident in my expression as when I did not reply, Jordan ran his fingers through his hair as if he was nervous, before speaking aloud again.

"I've had feelings for someone for a long time. When I asked my lady, I was trying to find a way to escape these feelings but in fact she encouraged them, she even went as far to say that they felt the same way..."

Jealously and pain began flowing through my body like a tidal wave, the idea of Tom and Jordan being together piercing my heart like a dozen tiny knives. Tears began pricking at my eyes and I turned away from Jordan, balling my fists at my sides and muttering that I needed to go do something. I began to climb further up Jordan's tree, needing the harsh wind in my face to dry my tears before I went home and had to face the other wizards. My knuckles were threatening to burst from my skin and my heart was shattering with every step I took away from Jordan. Every kiss, hug, touch and murmured words of affection I had imagined sharing with Jordan were being replaced with images of Tom cuddling him to his side, Tom whispering in his ear, Tom making him blush.

I pulled myself up the final branch, breathing heavily and shaking violently as the wind whipped past me, battering at my skin and causing my clothes to flap against my skin, sending stinging pains dancing through my nerves as I let the tears fall down my face. The world around me that had looked bright and welcoming moments before seemed dark and mocking, empty without the hope of gaining my love's affection. I pulled up the sleeves of my hoodie to wipe my eyes, sniffling quietly to myself as I attempted to compose my thoughts.

"James? Is it true?"

I whipped around to face Jordan, staring at his face which was flushed with exertion. I hadn't expected him to follow me and my sadness had been brought to an absolute halt as I attempted to decipher what he was saying. My face must have been a picture, one of confusion and grief all bundled into one. Tears still continued to roll down my face as I stared at Jordan, waiting for him to elaborate on what he was meaning, preparing for more rejection to push my happiness even further out of reach.

"Do you, l-love me?"

Hope and fear danced in his beautiful chocolate eyes, his palms sweaty and shaking at his sides as he stared at me. Shock was all I could feel, my assumptions and defeatist attitude diverting me from the truth that had been so obvious this entire time. All his smirks, the long hugs, the innuendos and constant asks for help for something that we managed to complete in under five minutes... Jordan didn't care for Tom, he actually loved me! Joy burst through me and my tears dried up, a blush replacing the dampness on my cheeks. I nodded shyly, a weak smile making its way onto my face.

Jordan's face was bursting with happiness, his eyes lighting up with joy and relief as he heard my reply, before he moved swiftly across the tree and crushed his lips to my own. I stood on my tippy toes, curling my hands into his hair as I kissed back ferociously, my tears of joy rolling down my face as our lips moved in sync. Jordan bit down on my lower lip, causing me to gasp and for him to slip his tongue into my mouth, our hot and heavy breathing mingling in the cold night air as our tongues danced together in a samba of passion.

We pulled away, keeping our hands interlocked between us as we looked into one another's eyes and then out at the rising sun, the world suddenly so much brighter as my love's arms wrapped around me and his hot breath made its way up my neck to whisper in my ear:

"It looks like you've cast a spell on me my love."

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