SparkSize 2

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This is a continuation from the previous SparkSize story, as requested by @RosettaQueen

Please remember to vote, comment and check out my other stuff - it helps a lot.

Also another Sparklington Fic coming soon!

Jordan sat with his feet hanging over the edge of his house, staring out into the sea as the waves rippled and roiled in response to the raging winds that howled above it. It must be really hard to sail in that kind of weather, Jordan thought – a wistful look in his eyes as he remembered how much Capsize loved a challenge. He could imagine her now, spinning the wheel in her hands and barking out orders to her crew as they slipped and slided all across the ship's deck. The wind battering her clothing and the rain pouring straight into her eyes, she would lean forward slightly and pull her captain's hat down before taking control of the situation effortlessly and sailing straight to safety.

Fiddling with the ring that still sat in his pocket, Jordan allowed himself to think for a moment longer before getting up and returning to his vault – the trumpets announcing the start of the purge warning him that sitting in the open when he clearly wasn't in any shape to fight was a bad idea. He locked the door and placed several blocks of obsidian behind it, which was kind of against the rules but he doubted anyone was going to stop him. Since Capsize had left to sail the seas, Jordan had dedicated his time to training his already strong combat ability, as well as learning various redstone tricks to set up traps for those who dared to break into his vault. Needless to say, nobody had been able to steal from Jordan for a good few months now and Jordan had won every purge that he had bothered to enter.

The Purge wasn't as fun as it used to be, seeing as the main reason Jordan took part was to impress Capsize with his skills and stamina in hope that she would notice him and spend more time with him. It worked, until the point where Capsize would team up with him and they would become a near unstoppable duo. Jordan smiled softly at the memories, his gaze moving to the rose that was carefully preserved in a picture frame above his bed – thankfully he had gotten to it quick enough that it wasn't going to decay any time soon. Lying down on the bed, Jordan closed his eyes and attempted to block out the sounds of violence that echoed through the floorboards.

The sound of his vault door opening jolted Jordan from his light sleep, his paranoia waking him just in time. He grabbed his enchanted diamond sword, knowing that he didn't have enough time to grab some armour out of the chests in fear of giving away the small element of surprise that he had. The invader didn't know that Jordan was awake, they wouldn't have broken in if they knew Jordan was in there and waiting for them. So Jordan crept through the vault, climbing the stone stairs slowly and listening for any sign of life that would give him the upper hand during the fight that was surely to come. Once he reached the entrance to his vault, Jordan saw that the door was undamaged and that the levers were all in the correct positions – clearly someone had finally managed to guess the code correctly, serves him right for changing it as regularly as he should.

Jordan stepped forward to grab the lever and close the door once again but his arm was stopped halfway by a warm hand grasping his wrist and entwining his fingers with theirs. Dropping his sword onto the ground with a clatter, Jordan turned his head to see Capsize smiling gently at him – her hair a shorter style then it was before she went to sea, but still as beautiful as ever. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, but that ever present glint of mischief was just as strong as ever. Jordan's grip on her hand tightened as he realised that he wasn't dreaming this time – unlike all the other dreams he'd had where he'd imagined her back by his side. The real difference between his dreams and this reality was the warmth of her hand in his and the overwhelming pounding of his heart as he stared in her eyes.

"C-Capsize? You came back!"

Capsize nodded, taking her captain's hat off of her head and fiddling with it as she spoke.

"A life at sea seemed empty without you there beside me. After all, what's a captain without her first mate?"

Jordan's face broke into a grin, her words convincing him to lean forward and cup his pirates face in his hands and press his lips gently onto hers. They moved slowly in rhythm, the clashing of swords and the sounds of anarchy up above them fading away into the background as they lost themselves in one another. They broke apart for air, accidentally bumping noses when they pulled their heads apart and sniggered at one another's surprised expression.

A loud crash up above, followed by the sound of ender pearls being thrown caused Capsize's head to jerk around to look at the staircase in fear of an intruder coming down and attempting to kill them both. When she turned back, Jordan was on one knee with the ring that he had held onto for so long in his hand. She gasped, her hands coming up to cover her mouth and a blush rising in her neck as she gazed into Jordan's adoration filled eyes.

"Oh Captain, my captain. Will you marry me and spend our life as partners, whether we are called to the sea or to serve our lady Ianite. Will you let me take care of you in sickness and in health, defend your back in times of war and learn from you every day?"

Tears filled both of their eyes and Capsize reached into her back pocket to pull out a bow and arrow, much to Jordan's confusion. He was about to get up off of his knees and go to her but she gestured for him to stay still. She pulled the arrow back and aimed at the top of the staircase, releasing the string and striking Tom down as he ran into sight. Once he was dealt with, Capsize turned to Jordan and said:

"Yes Jordan. I came here to be with you and now I know I'll never have to leave without you."

Jordan scrambled to his feet and took Capsize's hand in his, slipping the ring onto her finger and crashing their lips together again. They kissed passionately, like two raging waves on the ocean during a storm – as if nothing could tear them apart again. The ring was a simple gold, with an ocean bluey green gem in the centre, which shimmered and danced in the light like dolphins frolicking above the waves.

Jordan reached into his pocket and pulled out his spare sword, along with a set of armour – handing it to Capsize with a grin on his face.

"Shall we go deal with these pesky landlubbers, my fiancé?"

They departed together, never to break apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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