Tonja 1

194 17 8

Tonja – Soulmates AU

Firstly, I am aware that Tonja is no more and I respect their decisions and with them luck with moving on with their lives. This is a one shot and that is all it will ever be.

Secondly, this AU is one that is commonly seen on Tumblr – where soulmates are connected. If one of them does something to their body, such as write on their arm or bump into a doorframe and get bruised – it will appear as a mark on the other person's body. This AU was requested by YamCat



The blaring sound of an alarm clock caused Tucker to bolt upright in bed, his hair all over the place and his heart pounding in fear – a common problem for Tucker since slept lightly, so loud blaring sounds like his alarm clock tended to scare the living daylights out of him. He slammed his hand down on his alarm clock, forcing it into silence and staggered into his bathroom to get ready for the day. Standing in the shower, allowing the cold water to beat down on his head from above allowed Tucker to think a little - now that he was clear of the haze of sleep. Yet another day alone he thought to himself, the empty apartment he lived in constantly reminding him that he had not yet found his soulmate.

Glancing down at his arms, he noticed writing that hadn't been there the night before – various ingredients for yet another complex looking recipe littering his skin. The usual eggs, milk and bread were on the list as well alongside various expensive types of cheese and herbs that drove Tucker to get out of the shower and attempt to guess what his soulmate was going to cook this time. The only cookbooks in his apartment used to be various microwavable meals or cheap recipes that he could make using the ingredients from his nearby corner shop. Now, there were more complex and gourmet recipe books that had stacked up over the years – in a vain attempt for Tucker to gain some form of connection with his soulmate.

Tucker's friends had all found their soulmates recently, one meeting at a job interview and noticing the cute smiley faces that they had been sharing back and forth on the other's palm. Neither of them got the job but that mattered less during that moment. Another pairing were in fact two separate friends of Tucker's, who were both invited to spend New Year's at Tucker's for a little friendly get together. It was all fun and games until one of them attempted to backflip onto Tucker's sofa and ended up spraining their wrist – leaving an identical mark on the other's wrist. Needless to say they ended up making out as the countdown began and the painkillers kicked in.

As much as he was thrilled for his friends, the jealous part of Tucker couldn't help but rear its ugly head every so often, reminding him that this happiness the others had found was still being kept from him. So from then on, Tucker carried around a black marker wherever he went – finding comfort and joy in trading messages back and forth with his soul mate about what they were doing at the time. Neither of them was brave enough to ask one another's names or where they lived – in fear of finding out that their other half lived on the other half of the planet. However, doctors' appointments and boring queues went by a lot faster when you had someone to talk to, even if he did panic whenever his marker ran out of ink.

Grabbing his keys and wallet, Tucker walked out of his apartment and locked the door behind him – prepared for another long day at work, tucking his marker into his shirt pocket before setting out. He strolled down the quiet street, rapidly leaving his apartment building in the distance and heading to the nearby coffee shop that he worked at. Originally it was just meant to be a temporary job to allow him to pay rent whilst he searched for something more economically substantial but he had fallen in love with the café and all those who worked there. Also his landlord was a regular at the coffee shop so if Tucker was late with his rent due to it being a slow week at the café, he understood why and didn't immediately kick him out.

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