Chapter 19

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"We need to figure out a plan," Girag said.

"Agreed, Astral's presence on Earth poses a threat," Dumon agreed.

"But why is he even on Earth? I thought Eliphas hated the negative energy that 'plagued' Astaria? It just seems so anticlimactic," Vector sighed.

"If it benefits him then he won't hesitate to use it, such a hypocrite," Mizar grumbled.

"But what is he after? Astral is attached to a human," Vector said.

"Maybe that's the point, gain trust just to use the human in the end," Dumon suggested.

"In any sense Vector your mission is going to be getting close to this human," Girag said.

"You can count on me!" Vector agreed.

Finally the exciting part! I perked up in my seat.

"Mizar, I need you to find a way to get close to Y/n, they're exhibiting unique behaviors," Girag said.

"Unique behaviors?" Mizar questioned.

"I didn't want to say anything but it's probably a good idea just in case. Y/n shows qualities very similar to Astaria," Girag said.

"Huh?! This is a really bold assumption! Are you sure?" Mizar questioned.

"No and that's why I need you to investigate," Girag stated.

"Say they are Astaria, this could be a big turning point! They could help us find the cores!" Vector grinned.

"Speaking of the cores, Dumon, you and I are in charge of trying to find the Barian one," Girag said.

"But Nasch-!" Dumon started.

"I know, I know he had it when he died, but with the two of us we may be able to divide and conquer," Girag said.

"So then does this mean I look for the Astral one?" I asked as I kicked my feet back and forth.

"Alito, I want you to stay here and keep an eye on things," Girag said.

"What?!? But I want in on the action!" I exclaimed.

"I know, but we need you here," Girag said. I huffed and sat back in my seat.

"I don't see the point, the focus seems to be on Earth right now," I grumbled.

-A Few Weeks Later-

"How could they do this to me?! Stay here and do nothing Alito! We don't need you for this mission! Which by the way is our main mission! But we're not gonna let you help no!! Why? Well we're not gonna tell you! Why? Because we don't have a good reason and you're the youngest!"

I sat down angrily and crossed my arms.

I want to help!

It's been weeks and I haven't heard a word from any of them!

I don't want to sit here and do nothing!

Astaria is important to me too!

So I marched straight to Xavier, the next closest thing we have to another Barian Emperor.

"Alito? Is everything okay?" Xavier asked.

"I need you to over look things. I'm going to Earth," I said.

"Earth? But I thought they wanted you to stay here?" Xavier questioned.

"They did, but I'm not going to stand by... not this time," I said.

"You can count on me. Do what you gotta do," Xavier agreed.

"I knew you would understand, thank you," I hummed.

"Yeah, yeah, get out of here," Xavier waved me off.

*Normal Pov*

You were on your way to school when you spotted Damon.

"Damon!" you called out and ran up to him. "Good morning!"

"Good morning, you seem in a good mood," he commented.

"Yeah! I had an amazing date this weekend!" you beamed.

"I didn't realize you had a partner," Damon said.

"I do! He's pretty great," you blushed.

"I'm glad you had a good time," Damon hummed.

"Thank you! Did you do anything fun over the weekend?" you asked.

"No, I stayed at home," Damon replied.

"I see, I've been meaning to ask are you related to Rei? You two showed up the same day," you questioned.

"I've honestly been asked this a few times, but no, we just very conveniently showed up on the same day," Damon sighed.

"Hm, I guess I can believe that," you shrugged.

"You guess?" Damon questioned.

"I mean you haven't given me a reason not to trust you," you replied just as you got to the school gates.

You saw a crowd of girls surrounding someone.

"The girls in this school are crazy, but I wonder who they're after this time," you commented.

"You got that right, and who knows the poor soul they're fawning over now," Damon shrugged.

"That's right ladies there's plenty of Adrian to go around!"

Damon stopped in his tracks and looked over to the group. You stopped and looked at him.

"What are you doing here?!" Damon exclaimed. The group of girls jumped and quickly turned to Damon. They split to reveal a boy with dark skin, dark brown hair and green eyes. Once again you got the feeling of familiarity.

"Hey cuz! How's it going?" the boy smiled at Damon. Damon cleared his throat but he still looked angry.

"What are you doing here Adrian?" Damon asked once more.

"Well I just transferred here today!" Adrian smiled as he walked up to Damon.

"Uh, assuming by your reaction the two of you know each other?" you asked trying to ease some tension.

"Yes, this is my cousin Adrian," Damon said.

"I am! And whom might you be?" Adrian looked at you as he gently grabbed your hand. You felt a shiver roll down your spine.

"Me? Oh my is name Y/n! Its a pleasure!" You smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine," Adrian smiled as he let go of your hand.

"Well anyway Y/n and I should get to homeroom so please excuse us," Damon said as he now grabbed your other hand and dragged you off.

"What was that about? Do the two of you not get along?" You asked.

"He's- I-," Damon tried explain, but he was just getting more and more frustrated.

"Hey it's okay, I get it family is complicated," you say and set a hand on his shoulder. Damon squeezed your hand and nodded.

"Thank you Y/n," he said softly.

"Of course, any way I think I'm gonna go hang out in Mr. Kay's room, I'll talk to you later," you said as you let go of his hand.

"Yeah, okay see you later," Damon nodded.

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