Chapter 25

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Its been a few days since you and Kite had broken up and you were still quite distraught. Rio and the others were making it a bit better, but you still felt quite shitty. It doesn't help that you were also worried about Damon... rumor has it that he left. And right after you had found out...

You sighed as you dragged your pen on your duel pad. You just wanted this day to be over. Just a few more minutes.


You jumped, you knew the bell would be going off soon, but it had still startled you.

You got out of your seat then headed to your locker.

"Hey look there's a kid on school grounds," you heard someone say.

You didn't pay any mind to it.

"You think he's looking for an older sibling?" another asked.

"Maybe we should go help."

You sighed now looking out the window over your classmates shoulders.

"Hart?" you questioned.

"Is he your younger brother?" One of the student's asked.

"Uh... no my ex boyfriend's little brother," you sighed," but uh, I should go see what he needs."

"Yikes! Good luck!" the other student said as you started to run off.

Once you found Hart once again he was looking around frantically.

"Hart!" you called out to him.

"Y/n!" Hart ran to you. You could tell he had been crying as he hugged you tightly.

"Hey bud, what's going on? Is everything okay?" You asked.

"Kite's missing!" he cried," I thought he was just acting weird because you two got in a fight, but then I went to go check on him and he wasn't in his lab and Orbital was shut down!"

"Okay, okay, shh, shh, it's gonna be okay. We'll figure this out and we'll find him," you hummed as he pulled away.

"Do you promise?" Hart asked.

"Promise," you agreed," lets get to the tower then Kite's lab."

"Okay," Hart nodded.

You stood up and he grabbed your hand tightly.


You turned around to see Yuma, Astral, Tori and Bronk.

"Is everything okay?" Yuma asked as they approached you.

"It will be, Kite just needs a little help," you said.

"Is he alright?!" Tori asked concern in her voice. Hart gripped your hand tightly.

"He will be," you said," but Hart and I should really get to Heartland tower."

"Right see you later Y/n," Yuma nodded.

As soon as you got to Heartland tower Hart brought you to Kite's lab. There you saw a shut down Orbital and the monitors were cracked and staticky.

"Is Orbital not able to reboot?" You asked as you kneeled down next to the bot.

"I don't know how... usually Orbital uses voice recognition," Hart said.

"Hm," you hummed as you opened Orbital's chest cavity. You could see a low glowing crystal tucked behind a few wires. You pushed them to the side and set your hand on the crystal. You focused some of your energy into the crystal.



"MASTER KITE!" Orbital screeched

You jumped back.

"He's back!" Hart exclaimed.

Orbital confused looked around.

"Wh-where is M-Master Kite?" Orbital asked.

"We were hoping you could tell us. What's the last thing you remember Orbital?" You asked.

"S-s-s-scanning memory!!!" Orbital exclaimed as his head started to spin. "M-Master K-Kite and I came into here and- and- and- that's all I can remember..."

"Please you gotta remember something!" Hart exclaimed. Tears started to form in his eyes.

"M-Master Hart," Orbital said softly. You bit your bottom lip as you went to go play with your bracelet (A nervous habit you had formed.) It was gone...

"The bracelet! Orbital you can pull up the location and vitals!" You exclaimed.

"How does that h-h-help us n-n-now?" Orbital asked.

"Because it's not on me," you held up your wrist," and well one of the last things I did was throw it at him... it's a long shot but he may still have it on him."

"P-pulling up stats n-now!" Orbital projected the bracelet stats.

"It has a location!" You and Hart exclaimed.

"Right then Orbital, we'll stop at my house to grab my katana, change into something that isn't my uniform, and then head to where the bracelet says," you said.

"R-R-R-Right!" Orbital agreed.

"Be careful Y/n," Hart said.

"I will be, I promise, and I'll bring Kite back too," you smiled.

"Yeah!" Hart smiled.

With that you and Orbital headed to your house then to where the location on the bracelet was.

It was an old warehouse just at the docks in the town

"I don't have a good feeling about this Orbital," you mumbled.

"M-M-Me either! It says the b-b-bracelet is just up ahead," Orbital replied. 

"There's no sign of Ki-" 

You could feel a dark presence behind you.

You quickly spung around ready to swing until you froze. Kite stood there with a dark look in his eyes. He was holding a pole and you could tell he was willing to swing.

"Kite...," you said cautiously.

He didn't say anything just raised the pole ready to swing down.

You quickly pulled your sword blocking his attack.

"Kite, c'mon this isn't you," you said as you pushed him back but he didn't let up. He swung at you once more which you quickly dodged. "Wake up! You can fight it!"

Now Orbital put himself between you and Kite.

"Orbital," you gasped.

"M-M-Master Kite! Th-th-think about M-M-M-Master Hart and Y-Y-Y/n! This isn't you!" Orbital exclaimed.

"Get out of my damn way you dumb bot!" Kite now finally spoke as he swung at Orbital.

You quickly blocked the attack.

"Take cover Orbital, there's definitely no reasoning with him right now," You said.

"B-B-But what about you?" Orbital asked.

"I'll be alright," you said," I got an idea."

Orbital nodded as he sped off.

You obviously couldn't hurt Kite.

You had to get the number out.

You pushed Kite back once more but dropped your sword and when Kite went to go swing at you again you grabbed the pole.

You took a deep breath and pushed the pole back onto Kite causing him to let go. Kite stumbled back, you quickly tripped him making him fall to the ground. Then you were on top pinning his wrists down. You sent a small amount of energy through him, not enough to hurt him though.

Kite grunted as his eyes looked at you fiercely. He was fighting you and you could feel it, but you couldn't let him win...

"Come on Kite... I know you're in there," You said softly.

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