Chapter 1

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Y/n L/n and Alessia Russo are best friends and teammates at Arsenal. Alessia plays for the Lionesses while Y/n plays for the Spanish national team. They were always flirtatious
with each other. On the pitch they were a duo nobody could stop. Y/n being a midfielder while Alessia was a forward. Nobody on their team could match their chemistry but it wasn't always that perfect as they were easily annoyed with one another. They were in lots of fights but they couldn't leave each other alone. They would get in a fight but quickly resolve it as they missed each other so much.


The Arsenal team were just chilling after training. A part of a team were playing fifa while the other one were playing basketball. Y/n was playing fifa with Beth Mead, Viviane Miedema and Jen Beattie when they fell into a talk about Y/n's and Alessia's friendship. Y/n decided to show them a couple of old videos from Alessia's Musically phase and they were all busting from laughter. Y/n then sent the videos to Meado, Miedema and Jen and told them to keep it a secret but Meado  was trying to harmlessly have a laugh with Alessia so she showed her the videos. Alessia went and found Y/n right away. They were in for a big talk.


Y/n: Alessia I'm really sorry I shouldn't have sent them I was just trying to have a harmless laugh with the girls.

Alessia: Yeah, but you still sent them. I know you like being the funny one of the team but you still shouldn't have sent those video's. You know that I regret that phase so much, I hate the fact that I was so cringey, you don't have to remind me again.

Y/n: I'm really sorry Alessia I don't know what I was thinking at that moment

Alessia: Oi you were thinking. You wanted to have a laugh I don't mind that but why did you all have a laugh about me. You know I trust you and I showed you those videos to have a laugh with me not with the team.

Y/n:  Just give them a few days they'll forget about it, they might make fun of you but I'll protect you.

Alessia: I don't give a shit if you protect me or not. I've had it with your jokes. (Alessia then stormed off.)

The next day, at training, Alessia didn't hug Y/n when she saw her nor did she greet her. She just went past her and didn't even look at her. Y/n knew she was still mad but at the time didn't realise that Alessia has had it with her. Y/n left Alessia alone for a few days until she decided to step up to her.

Y/n: Hey Less, could I speak to you for a moment?

(Alessia just looks at her with the most cruel look in her eyes and follows Y/n to a space where they could be alone)

Alessia: What do you want Y/n can't you just leave me alone?

Y/n: Alright calm down Less I just want to talk. Look I'm really sorry about the other day and believe me, I regret it but can we just leave it aside and be normal again.

Alessia: No Y/n I've seriously had it with you. All these little negative things you do they just keep on coming but I've had enough. Please just leave me alone for the time being.

Alessia goes but Y/n just begins to cry. She didn't know it was that serious but she also didn't acknowledge all the things that she did.
She doesn't know how to act to act with Alessia. She just leaves her be.

Delusional ~ Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now