(cheater pt 2)

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"now you believe me?" Ari's cousin asks as i nod

"i swear to god i will knock the shit out of Ari" i sigh

"make sure I'm watching when you do" Ari's cousin says and leaves

Enid came to me with a bright smile "hey so A-" i cut her off "i love Ari" i say and she looks at me before smiling

"i was gonna say that Ari wanted to talk to you, i realized that we're better off as friends" i hug enid "thank you for understanding"

"c'mon I'll come acompany you"she says and walks with me


"wait really?" Ari looks at me and i nod "you're an idiot for doing that"

"I'm sorry-" i cut her off "Ari Celeste i swear one more word i will rip out your throat"

Ari's pov:

"that's hot and scary" i thought to myself

I nod at Wednesday and she gives me a teasing look until my cousin Abigail interupts

"so uhh wrong timing but who's the beautiful blonde?"she asks pointing at Enid who got flustered

I try holding back my laughter when i pushed Abigail to Enid who fell to the ground with Abigail on top

"so this is a switch? Or nah?"i ask and then Wednesday smacks me "ow! What was that for?"

"for pushing Abigail towards Enid!"she scoffs and i smile

"Ari i will kill you!" Abigail says and stands up "ahh catch me first you tall fucker!"i tease and run away

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