Chapter 2. The Engagement

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Nara is such a pain! Why the heck couldn't they have given us a heads-up about the stupid party celebrating Naruto and Hinata's engagement? We ended up crashing right in the freaking middle of it—talk about perfect timing! As usual, Uzumaki was the loudest one, screaming like a banshee. It was just too damn much. Sasuke still hasn't returned, but the rumors say he'll be back in Konoha soon and bless us with his presence for a while.

The guys were hoping I'd stick around in the village, dropping not-so-subtle hints to that lazy Shikamaru. But Nara completely brushed them off! Completely! Show some emotion, for crying out loud! But no, he remained as stoic as a freaking wall. Naruto kept holding Hinata's hand the entire time. She didn't blush as much as before, just slightly shy from all the stupid attention and care.

Feeling a pang of envy, I turned away. My gaze landed on that jerk Shikamaru. He was sitting there, sipping his drink, stealing smug glances at the lovey-dovey couple! Seriously, what kind of person does that?! Anyway, I'll get what I want. I'll have plenty of time. After all, I'm no less skilled as a strategist than the great Nara. First, I'll... um! And then I'll do... and also... Suddenly, he looked at me, and I felt my face turn red. I turned away, hiding my embarrassment in my stupid glass. What's wrong with me? Wasn't I planning to win?

"Temari? Are you even listening?" Sakura brought me back from the depths of embarrassment.

"Huh?" It seemed she had been talking for a while.

Sakura chuckled, darn it, she noticed!

"You seem a bit distracted, my lady ambassador!" she whispered with a fake sweet smile. "You know, Temari, I understand you better than anyone else."

"Sakura, I'm not an ambassador yet," I tried to play it off, but ended up blushing even more.

"Ahem," Sakura cleared her throat and spoke louder, "So, Temari, are you going to Hinata's bachelorette party at the hot springs? It's going to be quite a romantic event..."

"And when?" I asked absentmindedly, secretly hoping I'd have a scheduled mission or something else to avoid it.

"In a week," Hinata replied, looking a bit flustered.

"If I don't have any work, then sure," I responded sincerely.

"Hey, Shikamaru! What's going on?!" Ino exclaimed, causing everyone to turn their heads. "Do you have any plans for Temari? What kind of work?!"

"Oh no..." I must have turned as red as a tomato. Shikamaru's cough brought him back to reality. Poor guy, he nearly choked. Looks like someone isn't as composed as they pretend to be. Perfect! My first victory!

"...Ino! Why are you shouting?!" Sakura nudged her friend with her elbow, and Ino bit her lip.

"Maybe we'll find out some details about the engagement," Ino blurted out in a loud whisper. Hinata blushed like a cooked lobster.

"Ino! Speak more quietly, you're so embarrassing! It's Hinata, for goodness sake!" Sakura whispered, her voice still louder than intended.

"Oh, come on, I bet your inner curious side wants to know all the juicy details too, Sakura!" Ino even stuck out her tongue. Shikamaru snorted and fixed his gaze on the window.

Yes, you're right, handsome, these girls haven't changed since the Chunin Exam.

"So, Temari, are you going with us?" the ever-positive Tenten asked. How does she manage to maintain such a positive attitude in this gathering of lunatics?

"Yes, of course! I'd be delighted!" I smiled sweetly and took a sip from my glass, observing the idyllic scene: Tenten happy, the girls excited, Hinata blushing and looking only at Naruto, Shikamaru focused on the window. Mm-hmm.

Despite Shikamaru's mood, the evening went quite smoothly. The guys shared mission stories, fondly reminiscing about the past. The lovebirds laughed, trying not to pay much attention to Kiba's rather loud and lewd jokes.

"Hey, you all!" Sakura barked. "Behave yourselves."

"Yeah, not in a bar!" Ino chimed in.

"Well, technically, it is a bar, but whatever," Tenten mumbled, sipping her cocktail through a straw. "Either way, it's still inappropriate!"

But nobody paid them any mind.

"Hey, quiet down!" I snapped. Just like in the Sand Village army, it worked flawlessly.

"Oh, Shikamaru, how do you...," Kiba seemed too drunk to control his tongue. I twitched my eye.

"Temari-san, please, forgive Kiba-kun. He doesn't mean to offend anyone."

"Okay, okay!" I waved it off, dismissing the embarrassed Hinata.

"Hinata?" Naruto's voice sounded gentle and low. Oh, all the winds of the world, how I wish I could hear those notes in that annoying Nara's voice! And that same look, please! It seems I'm not alone, given the envy in the girls' gazes towards Hinata. Sigh... Naruto leaned closer to the blushing bride-to-be and whispered something.

"Alright, Naruto-kun..." Hinata blushed and replied. It seems they're planning to escape the party.

We spent the entire evening, and it seemed like we would've stayed until morning. However, the party hosts shamelessly disappeared. As everyone gradually dispersed, I didn't even notice when Shikamaru slipped away. Kankuro collapsed onto one of his puppets; he was clearly drunk!

The sky in Konoha always looked different from home... Usually, it was so starry and vast, but now it was covered with clouds, and the stars shyly hid behind them.

It seemed like it could start pouring at any minute. I hurried to get back to the hotel, while my intoxicated little brother needed some fresh air in the rain; he smelled from a mile away! I sat on my fan and in an instant found myself at the hotel's doors.

An annoying feeling, like an itch between my shoulder blades, wouldn't leave me alone while I struggled with the door... Someone was watching...

I turned my head, but there was no one there, just a retreating shadow that looked remarkably like... No, it couldn't be! Stop fooling yourself, Temari! Shikamaru won't be watching; he made it pretty clear that he's not interested. But we'll change that!

The next day, Kankuro was sick, so I went for a walk. Of course, the drunkard won't remember anything from what he did yesterday. And I won't remind him! It's better to stroll around the streets of Konoha.

I wish I hadn't done that!

Sometimes life is kind to you, and sometimes it feels like the wind will never be in your favor again. Could I have even imagined, even for a moment, that bumping into Shikamaru and Choji in the middle of the street would completely dash all my hopes and dreams of a long-awaited date?

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