Chapter 5. An Unexpected Greeting

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"Hel...Hello!" a familiar, hoarse voice sounded, sending a wave of heat through my body.

Oh no, not him again!

I stopped and glanced ahead just to be safe, nearly jumping when I saw him standing there with his hands in his pockets. My heart skipped a beat, my lips almost broke into a happy smile, but I summoned the incredible strength of a true princess of Suna to hold myself back. I put on my most serious expression and turned away.

"Sorry about last time," he said.

"You can forgive me too," I tossed back quickly, hurrying past him. Enough talking! I shouldn't have come to this village at all!

"Don't you... want to eat?" Shikamaru mumbled uncertainly.

I halted. Took a breath. Then another. Victory! A true victory!

"I won't refuse," I replied, striving to keep my voice steady. I couldn't let my heart burst into a wild celebration.

Konoha's waterfront had quite a few decent restaurants. We entered a cozy place on the corner, surprisingly empty for such a pleasant evening.

"Why aren't you at the reception with the others?" I broke the sticky silence as we sat at the table.

He slyly looked at me. Well, yes, I wasn't there either, but I had a valid reason: I didn't want to see him! But what if he didn't want to see me either? I didn't get a chance to finish that dreadful thought.

"The official part is over, and the unofficial one isn't as interesting," he said, peering into the menu. "Why didn't you go?" He raised an eyebrow, giving me a lazy glance.

My cheeks flushed, and I buried my gaze in the menu, clutching it with damp hands.

"I just got back from the bachelorette party," I lied, scanning the unfamiliar letters. "And besides, I haven't officially taken up my post!" I looked directly at Shikamaru.

He propped his chin on his fist, clearly enjoying teasing me. Sly devil! He sat there with a knowing look, as if he knew exactly what I was thinking! I'll strangle him later, but for now, I'll order some food.

"When is the bachelor party?" I asked as we were served our drinks.

"About a week from now, I think," he lazily replied, taking a sip from his tall glass. "Naruto's threatening to take us to the Land of Waves."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" I exclaimed. "The sea, the beach..."

I pictured Shikamaru emerging from the water in just his swim trunks, the setting sun reflecting on every salty drop on his firm chest. I imagined him brushing the wet, dark hair from his face, water cascading down his chest, following the path of the dark hairline... Wind gods, what am I thinking? Where did my self-control go?

With a trembling hand, I took hold of my glass and downed its contents in one gulp, feeling the weight of his intense gaze upon me, as if he could read my thoughts. Well, this evening won't be a walk in the park!

Thankfully, our food arrived soon after, providing a much-needed distraction. I buried myself in the salad and fish, trying to escape his probing eyes.

During our meal, we discussed the Hokage's expanding waistline, the weather differences between the Leaf and the Sand, and even discovered my preference for bush roses over peonies. But finding new topics to keep the conversation flowing was becoming a challenge.

"Do you plan to stay in Konoha?" Shikamaru's question caught me off guard, and my heart skipped a beat in delight. Yes, dear, now that I've triumphed once again, I'm ready to stay in Konoha forever! But I kept my composure and replied with a diplomatic smile, concealing my true feelings.

"It's quite pleasant here."

He squinted, seemingly unsure of my true thoughts! Another point for Temari! Fantastic! Just an evening of triumph!

As much as I wanted to maintain my winning streak, the evening eventually came to a close. Stepping outside, the refreshing evening air sent shivers down my skin.

Shikamaru took out his lighter and began clicking it. All my good mood vanished in an instant, as if it had never existed. The damn dream and Ino's words rushed back to my mind. Yes, she's a reminder, but of what?

"Would you like me to see you off?" Shikamaru asked, studying me with his eyes.

"No need," I replied with a sweet smile. What if I lose my composure and reveal my true emotions? I still have responsibilities here.

I hopped down the cafe's steps, bid him goodbye with a wave, and briskly walked back to the hotel, my mind filled with his probing gaze and the questions that filled me with hope and excitement. Upon entering the room, I tiptoed in quietly to avoid waking my brothers.

The next morning, we began our journey back home. Gaara noticed my unusually good mood. I denied it as best I could, but there's nothing hidden from my perceptive brother. And how could my mood be anything but wonderful when I received the best news in the world: in just two weeks, we'll be back in Konoha for Naruto's wedding, and there I'll see Him!

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