Chapter 3: The Complicated Story

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Kagome served Goku the stew for lunch while the others had one. While eating the stew, Goku was the fastest one who could eat way too much stew, which shocked everyone. They had never seen him so hungry before. They wondered when was the time he had eaten.

"Hm, the stew is so delicious. Do you guys have more?" Goku said excitedly, grinning with bare teeth.

Kagome sweatdropped, chuckling nervously as she smiled with her eyes closed. "I think that's quite enough, Goku. Let everyone else have it."

"Aw..." Goku wailed. He let out a puff sounding and said, "Alright. Well, I guess sharing is okay. I've been eating too much food when I'm hungry."

"So, Goku, what brings you here?" Miroku asked, changing the subject.

"What do you mean?" Goku asked, confused.

"About how you arrived here," Sango said.

"Oh! Well, it's complicated. I had no idea how I traveled through time." Goku chuckled, rubbing the back of his head while grinning.

"You're a time traveler like Kagome?" Kaede said in shock.

"Well, yeah! Kinda! But I was thrown through time until I arrived here." Goku said, folding his arms together.

"Do you have anything else you want to tell us where you came from, Goku?" Kaede asked him.

He hummed, rubbing his chin. "Well... all I ever remember was training somewhere place where I wanted to be alone. However, when I powered up into Super Saiyan Blue, a strange portal opened so I entered there confused until I was thrown through time. It was strange to me how a portal came out of nowhere because of my power. I definitely have no idea how my power could open the portal."

"I see," Kaede replied. It was strange how Goku had the power when he was injured.

"And how did you get those injures?" Miroku asked him, pointing at Goku's bandages.

"Well, when I arrived here, of course, there are a bunch of demons attacking me, so I got rid of them for good until I blacked out because of the wound they gave me," Goku said.

"You mean there were demons out there?" Shippo said, shocked.

"What kind of demons are they, Goku?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Gosh, I had no idea, but they were so big. Bigger than me. They looked like monsters to me." Goku said.

"I would say they were probably looking for the Shikon Jewel, thinking you were with us. Or probably you were related to Kagome." Miroku said.

Goku blinked. "What!? How am I related to Kagome? And what is the Shikon Jewel?"

"It's a long story. Maybe you'll like the story of how I could travel through time." Kagome said, smiling.

Goku blinked again. "You're a time traveler? Are you one of Trunks' friends?"

"Who's Trunks?" Kagome asked, confused.

Goku giggled, rubbing the back of his head again. "A boy who is a time traveler like you. Well, it's complicated. How about you tell me about how you could time travel?"

Kagome smiled again. "I'm glad you wanted to hear my story."

"Let's hear it!" Goku said excitedly.

Kagome cleared her throat and began telling him a story, "Well, on my fifteenth birthday, I was looking for my family cat…"



It had been a few days after Inuyasha had visited Kikyo. It felt good to see her whenever she was around. Strangely enough, Kagome didn't seem to mind that he went to see her. He hasn't talked to her for a couple of days. I mean, surely he wasn't going to abandon her for Kikyo. He just wanted to spend time with her one last time before Kikyo went back to the dead. Yes, Inuyasha wanted to spend time with her one last time and then went to go see Kagome and tell her that he wanted to be with her before the Shikon Jewel disappeared or probably sent her home where she belonged.

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