Chapter 16: Under The Moonlight

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It has been a day since they arrived at the hot spring resort, Goku seem to enjoy having a vacation with the Higurashi Family. He even enjoys camping, hiking, training, and hanging out with the Higurashi Family. It reminded him of the old times when he sometimes got to spend time with his wife and his two sons. Though he keeps forgetting about the day, he always trains a lot.

When the night came, Goku sat on the porch of the house while watching the full moon. He couldn't stop thinking about his old home in his alternate universe home and his friends and family. He wanted to go home and see his friends and family again, but he had to stay by Kagome's side to bring her memories back with the jewel. Then he began to think about the life that he was living now. He couldn't figure out why he was brought here in the first place since he was teleported by the portal.

"Can't sleep?" A familiar voice asked. He turned around and saw Kagome in her pajamas. He didn't know how he didn't sense her.

"I can't sleep. You as well?" Goku asked.

"I can't sleep either. I had one heck of a nightmare." Kagome said.

"What did you dream of?" Goku asked.

She took a breath and began talking to him, "I had a dream I time-traveled to the feudal era and met Inuyasha got stuck on the tree sticking out an arrow from his chest, and then the Shikon Jewel you had got shattered. After that, Inuyasha and I went on a journey together until we made more friends. We even went to stop that evil demon who stole the jewel shards. And the last thing I remember was Inuyasha with another woman I don't even know about her."

Goku stared at her silently. He looked away and didn't say anything. He didn't want to tell her about what happened almost two weeks ago about her argument with Inuyasha. Especially when Inuyasha had an intimate moment with Kikyo. He lastly didn't want to tell her she was Kikyo's reincarnation. If he told her, Kagome would try to remember the past. He wasn't expecting Kagome to have a dream about the past. It would be a sign if she tried to remember.

"D-Do you remember?" Goku asked nervously.

She shook her head. "No. It's only a dream."

"Can you think harder about what you remember?" Goku asked again.

She shook her head again. "I can't. I still can't remember. All I ever remember waking up and finding myself in the hut with you and the others. I was scared having no idea where I got there. I made friends with people I don't know and then I even met you a couple of days ago. I felt safer with you if I needed someone to be here for me. If I didn't have someone to be here for me, I would be alone."

He softened his onyx eyes. It was true he was there for Kagome if she needed somebody to help her find an answer. However, he still the Shikon Jewel to bring her memories back. When everything was over, Inuyasha needed to apologize for mistreating her.

"Don't worry, Kagome," Goku said. Kagome looked up at him who was smiling softly at her, "I won't let Sesshomaru or anyone else hurt you."

Kagome started to blush softly. She never heard anyone, not even remember everything about the part Inuyasha vowed to protect her, say something like that to her. For some strange reason, her heart skipped a beat at Goku's words. It made her feel warm inside.

As for Goku, he always felt sorry for Kagome. He couldn't believe that Inuyasha would be so cruel to her. He fully knew that they had to work as a team to defeat their enemies. Even though there were a few Z Fighters in his world that were able to stand against many enemies on their own. But Naraku, he remembered quickly what Kagome told him before losing her memories, was a lot more powerful than any enemy he went up against.

He suddenly noticed Kagome sneezing while rubbing her arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worried.

"I'm fine, Goku. I'm just feeling a little chilly." Kagome said, trembling.

Then Goku quickly wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him. Kagome blushed even harder than before as her head was placed on his chest.

"Don't worry, Kags. I'll keep you warm." Goku said.

"T-Thank you, Goku," Kagome said shyly.

"You're welcome," Goku replied.

While feeling Goku's embrace, she leaned closer to his chest, feeling warm as he wrapped his arms around her. At that moment, the thoughts about having a strange dream no longer seem to matter. All she could think about was staying in his strong arms that brought warmth to her small body.

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