Chapter 12: The Root Head

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When Goku and Kagome got home, they went to have a quick hot bath and then went to see their friends to have dinner. Kaede had made stew for everyone. While they were having dinner, Kagome eventually met Rin who came to see them and doesn't recall who she is. Goku explained to Rin about what happened, which shocked Rin. Rin also met Goku before the explanation about Kagome's memory loss.

"I am so sorry about what happened. And I am sorry Lord Sesshomaru had attacked you." Rin said with a worried look.

Goku smiled at her. "It's okay, Rin. Kagome has taken care of my wounds and my sickness. If Kagome wasn't here to cure my sickness, I would have died."

"So you are the little girl who traveled with this Sesshomaru guy?" Kagome asked with a curious look.

Rin nodded. "Yes, I was with him while traveling."

"I see. Did he treat you like you were his daughter or his sister?" Kagome asked.

She nodded again. "He does, but he prefers me as his ward."

"He must be kind to you." Kagome said, looking around, "By the way, where is this Inuyasha guy? I don't see him."

Shippo groaned, rolling his eyes. "He went looking for you and Kagome, but he doesn't know you guys came back."

"Speaking of Inuyasha, how did you guys manage to get away from Inuyasha?" Sango asked.

"I use the Instant Transmission," Goku told her.

"The what?" Sango asked, confused.

"Here, let me show." Then Goku took Sango's hand and was about to teleport.

"Goku, wait!" Too late, Goku pressed his two fingers against his forehead and teleported himself and Sango to a different world.

When they teleported, Sango was shocked as she found herself in the mountains with Goku. She started to panic, worried that they might get lost somewhere in a dangerous place.

"Gah! Goku, what did you do!? Where are we!?" Sango asked, shocked. She faced Goku with a serious look.

"We're in the mountain," Goku told her.

"But how are we going to get home?" Sango asked, now irate at him.

"I know how, hold onto my hand, Sango," Goku said before using Instant Transmission. Sango quickly took his hand and teleported back to the village. When they got back to Kaede's hut, Sango was still shocked at what just happened.

"Sango, are you okay?" Miroku asked, worried.

She sighed in relief. "I'm fine, but I never expected Goku to be so sorcerer."

"Goku, I never knew you were going to do that to Sango! Just tell them how you do that next time instead of scaring everyone off!" Kagome scolded him.

Goku chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry... At least Inuyasha doesn't know I could use Instant Transmission."

"That is incredible what you did, Goku," Shippo exclaimed excitedly.

Kagome sweatdropped. "Not really."

Suddenly, everyone heard a noise. Rin wondered if it was Inuyasha. Kagome and Goku sensed a demon and told everyone, "Get back!"

Then the demon broke into the hut and mistaken Kagome for Kikyo as it demanded the Sacred Jewel. It aimed at Kagome before attacking her.

"Kagome!" Goku yelled out her name. When the creature was about to attack Kagome, Goku quickly used his ki to blast the roots into ashes. After that, Goku quickly took Kagome in his arms like a bridal style and flew away from the creature.

He put Kagome down, asking her, "Are you okay, Kagome?"

She nodded. "Yes, I am. Thank you."

"Kagome! Goku!" It was Inuyasha who called out to them. Goku and Kagome watched him running towards them.

As he stopped, he panted heavily and asked them, "Are you two okay?"

"We're fine, but we still have a demon problem," Golu said as he faced the creature aiming at the three of them.

"Give me the scared jewel, Kikyo! Give it to me!" The creature roared and marched at her, but he was missed because Goku and Inuyasha were attacking it.

Goku glared at it and demanded, "Who are you and what do you want from Kagome!?"

"I am the Root Head and I want the sacred jewel! Now hand it to me, Kikyo!" The Root Head roared and lashed at Goku, but he was missed again. Inuyasha used his Tesaiga sword to slash his roots.

"I won't give it to you and her name isn't Kikyo! Her name is Kagome!" Goku said as he stood beside Kagome while protecting her.

With his might, he flew towards the Root Head and kicked it in the guts. However,  Inuyasha used his Wind Scar while Goku began to use Kamehameha.

"Ka... me... ha... me... ha!" As he screamed, Goku aimed at the Root Head, attempting to destroy him.

"Damn... He's too strong!" Goku gritted his teeth.

I gotta help them, Kagome thought as she quickly went back to the hut and found the sacred arrow laid beside the weapons. She took it with her and headed back outside. She quickly aimed at the Root Head, taking a long deep breath, and shot her scared arrow at their  Root Head, but missed. She gritted her teeth and focused. As she aimed at the Root Head, she felt Kikyo's spirit was within her. Then she finally shot at the Root Head. She was shocked to see how she would do that. She must have an archery skills, after all.

Goku and Inuyasha just saw her do it. In the end, with the head wounded by the sacred arrow, it was eliminated by Inuyasha's Wind Scar, damaging it. Inuyasha says he'll finish the Root Head off before he used his Meidō Zangetsuha, sucking it in.

Before it does, the Root Head purposely knocks Goku out with the tentacle as he falls into the Bone-Eater's Well, which Kagome saw.

"Goku!" Kagome jumped after him as she didn't know that they were surrounded by the blue light. Also didn't know they were sent to the modern era.

With a bright blue light, Kagome and Goku vanished from sight. "Kagome!" Inuyasha screamed as he jumped into the well. But instead of passing through as he could in the past, he only landed at the bottom of the well.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha screamed again as he began digging around for her to no avail. He knew Goku still had the Shikon Jewel with him.

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