Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Jaidens POV

I opened my eyes and saw Oliver still sleeping right next to me. I couldn’t help but smile. He was so adorable. Sleeping there all tranquil and peaceful. I watched him sleep there for about 10 minutes. I noticed that every now and again he would twitch his lip and move his piercings. After I was done watching him there I got up gently out of bed trying not to wake him. I got a stool out and pulled my sketch book out of one of the cluttered shelves where all my artwork was located. I sat there and started to draw my Oliver sleeping like the angel he was.

-time skip (about two hours)-

Olivers POV

I yawned and wrapped up in the covers and breathed in the smell of Jaidens cologne. It smelled heavenly. I opened my eyes and cleared my throat.

“Good morning sleeping beauty!” Jaiden called from the kitchen. I could see that he was cooking something from the other side of the counter that separated the bedroom and the kitchen.

“Morning..”  I said, my vision still a little blurry. “Whatcha makin?” I asked.

“Pancakes” He said and smiled. “I thought I’d make you something special.” He flipped his hair. He was still shirtless. He bit his lip and messed with his snake bites for a moment.

“You're sweet.” I smiled back at him. “I’ll be right back.” I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom. I took the toothbrush and the toothpaste out of my black backpack and did my usual morning routine.  I started the shower and turned the heat all the way up. I stripped off my skinny sweats and got in..

Jaidens POV

I heard the shower start and I smiled to myself. I thought maybe I’d go surprise him. So I sneaked to the bathroom and tiptoed in. I peaked around the shower curtain, being absolutely silent. Oliver’s hair was drenched and in his face. It was longer than usual at the cause of the wetness so he couldn’t see me. I stripped off my pants and my boxers and stepped in, embracing Oliver’s waste. He jumped and nearly screamed.

“Shhh!” I chuckled “It’s me!”

“Oh good, cause I thought you were a rapist or something.” He said sarcastically. He smiled. I moved his hair out of the way so I could see his gorgeous green eyes. I smiled down at him. I grabbed his face and pulled it in towards mine. He gasped and stood on his toes. I hadn't realized how much taller I was than him. I leaned down so he wasn’t trying so hard to get to my level. I kissed him hard. It was really passionate. We stood there making out for about ten minutes. Back and forth our tongues dancing inside each other’s mouth. His lip ring felt amazing when it would bump or rub up against mine. There was a point in time when he nibbled on my lip and it was so amazing. I felt that right at that moment, it was right. It was completely, absolutely and amazingly right.

I ran my fingers through Oliver’s hair and I kissed his neck. My hands were moving from his face to his neck to his chest to his back.

Olivers POV

Was this it? Was this when Jaiden finally was ready for me? I wasn’t doing anything. He was obviously pursuing me. Everything he was doing was amazingly pleasurable. I loved this. But I had to stop it. What if Jaiden was just caught up in the moment? I didn’t want him to regret anything later. But it felt so good. But I didn’t want to hurt Jaiden, I really cared for him.

“J-Jaiden.”  I managed to stutter out. He didn’t stop. “Are you s-sure you want to do thi-…”


A loud piercing high pitched ringing came from his ceiling of his loft and there was a little white light that was flashing on and off. I saw smoke billowing in from under the door. ” Jaiden!” I yelled as he looked up.

Jaidens POV

SHIT! The pancakes! I left them on! I jumped out of the shower and slipped my boxers on, I didn’t bother with the pants, I had more important things to worry about.

“Stay here!” I told Oliver who was trying to get his pants on over his soaking wet body. He looked up worried.


“OLIVER STAY HERE I DON’T WANT YOU GETTING HURT!” I screamed at him. He didn’t argue. I threw open the bathroom door, and stepped out, quickly shutting it behind me. The room was filled with smoke, I could see a huge fire arising from the kitchen area. I coughed, gasping for air. Trying to find the extinguisher, I tried to wave away the smoke. I had made it to the sink where the fire extinguisher was resting under and I was about to grab it when I heard a yelp and a thud. “OLIVER!” I yelled running back. I saw a grey shillouette of my Oliver passed out on the floor. I checked his air. He wasn’t breathing.

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