The date

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Alex dropped you off at the bar and drove away. You took a deep breath and walked in, looking around for Alastor. He was at the bar happily conversing with the bartender as he swirled a glass of blood-red wine. You nervously walked over to him and he turned around, his smile widening with delight.

"Y/N! You made it!" He happily exclaimed and set down his glass. You nodded and beamed at him.
"Y/N meet my dear friend Husk!" Alastor gestures to the bartender who gives you a small nod as a greeting. You wave and Alastor takes your jacket. "I'll bring this to the coatroom!" He happily walks off. You turn to Husk who's looking at you with a sort of "Poor you" expression etched on his face.

"Kid.. you don't know who you're messing with."
You cross your arms, "If you mean Alastor then I know exactly who I'm messing with." Husk lets out a bark-like laugh and shakes his head, turning around and wiping a glass.

-time skip-

You and Alastor left the bar, both satisfied and smiling. You stopped in front of the doors and turned to look at him.

"So- what now?" You asked.

"Well, my dear.. have you ever been dancing?"
You shook your head.

"Would you like to?"
You thought for a second and nodded. He grinned and grabbed your hand, leading you down the street. You giggled and let him pull you along. He continued walking down the street for a while until he abruptly stopped and pulled you into a building. You looked around. It was a humongous wide area filled with dancing couples. The host waved to Alastor as if they were old friends and he happily waved back.
"Welcome back Alastor! I see you've gotten a lovely lady to dance with this time!"
"She certainly is a lovely lady," Alastor replied and you blushed. Alastor took your hand and dragged you to the dance floor. He began instructing you on how to dance and eventually you got the hang of it. You started dancing together and it was amazing. You both whirled and twirled for hours until eventually, you had to use the restroom.

"Very well then! Do hurry darling!" Alastor said. You nodded and walked off to the bathroom. You had just finished and were walking out when you heard a sleazy voice.

"Hey there princess~"

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now