Whos that?

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You're backstage at the channel 666 news station. Vaggie is giving Charlie a pep-talk and you're listening and munching on a doughnut. Angel didn't come with you all and you were bored.
"Charlie, I'm going to explore," you said, standing. Charlie gave you a thumbs up and continued listening to Vaggie who was still discussing what Charlie needed to do. You finished your doughnut and dusted off the crumbs on your pants. You walked out of the studio, pocketing the dagger Vaggie had given you as protection. You began walking around, still not completely over how cool Hell was. You'd been walking for about 15 minutes when a cluster of TVs caught your attention. On them was Charlie's interview. Since you weren't there to see it in person you figured you may as well see it here. You positioned yourself in the front row. The news anchor, Kaitie Killjoy, was clearly making Charlie uncomfortable. She made her speech and all you heard was silence, some people next to you snorted. You sighed and continued looking up at the screen. There was a click, and a burst of music started. You blinked in surprise and groaned. Vaggie told her not to sing! All of a sudden you heard a weird white-noise buzzing sound behind you. You felt a surge of power and you instinctively shuddered. Some of the demons in the group scampered off, leaving no questions as to this being behind you. You were expecting a terrifying-looking demon, with claws and fangs and many arms and wings and spikes and everything that made someone scary in your eyes, but when you glanced behind you, you almost did a double-take. It was a demon, dressed in a pinstriped tailcoat, dress pants, a bowtie, and what looked like a dress shirt under the tailcoat. His hair was red with what looked like ears on the top and small barely noticeable deer antlers. The tips of the ears and the bottom of his hair were a dark brownish color. He was wearing a monocle and his irises were a light red with the sclera being a darker red. But the most noticeable thing about him was his grin. It was pointy and golden, but it spread from ear to ear. He didn't seem menacing at all, but you still couldn't get over the power radiating from him in those static buzzes. Charlie was still singing, getting to the end now. She finished and the crowd was even worse. Instead of pure silence they were throwing insults and laughing at her. Angel was brought up, and you wondered where he really was. That question was soon answered though when he joined a turf war Cherri was in. You puffed out a breath. This idiot was ruining Charlie's look even more. You ran away from the TV's, throwing a small glace at the red guy still watching. You shook your head and sped off toward the turf war. You arrived and walked up next to Angel.
"Y/N!" He said. "Whatcha doin' here?"
"I came to help." You said.

"Aye! That's great!" He exclaimed and handed you a metal baseball bat. You gripped it tightly and began swinging at the mass of eggs that were swarming Angel and you. He continued doing what he was before, which was shooting them. A bit later and you, Cherri, and Angel had won. You all high-fived each other happily. You'd just handed Angel back his baseball bat when you heard a car pull up. You whirled around to meet the sight of a pink white ad god limo with a mouth design on the front. The door opened and Vaggie growled, mainly glaring at Angel

"Get in." She said. You and Angel got in, sitting across from Vaggie. Charlie looked disheveled and beat up. You grimaced, There had obviously been a fight of some sort. You felt bad but you couldn't really do much about it. The whole rest of the car ride was spent with Vaggie and Angel arguing. You drowned them out and Charlie kept looking at them sadly. You all walked into the hotel, which somehow looked worse than you all had left it. Angel got a popsicle and Vaggie collapsed on the couch. Charlie went outside to make a call and you plopped down on the other side of the couch as Vaggie. An awkward silence filled the room when all of a sudden it was cut by a loud, booming knock on the door.

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