Get fucked

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"I called you here today to discuss one thing. Getting rid of Valentino once and for all." I say to everyone gathered in my room.

"Finally!!" Vaggie exclaims. I shoot her a look.

"That sounds like a great idea. He would be better dead anyway. But... do you have a plan?" Y/N speaks up.

"I was just getting to that!" I respond and pull up a sloppily made PowerPoint. From the back, I can hear Alastor let out a small noise of disapprovement and I glare. He crosses his arms and I turn back to my PowerPoint.

"Firstly," I say, "Who here is willing to help?" I turn back around and see all of them slowly raise their hands. Even Alastor after a small whack from Y/N. I break out with a grateful smile.

"Thank you all... really... Now! Onto business. Here's the plan."


-3rd person-

The group is spread out throughout the general area of Val's studios. Nifty and Vaggie are with Angel ad Y/N, Alastor is just outside the studio with Husk, and Charlie is on teleportation call slash healing and danger control in case anything gets ugly.

They all have very important roles.


I summon my staff and point it at the studios causing a small explosion. My job? Distract- Slash fight - The other overlords and possible guards. I take a step back and, just as I knew they would, a torrent of guards run out. I pull out a knife and grin widely. Oh, how I've missed the raw thrill of taking an innocent's life. The guards spot me and they all gape before remembering they have a job to do. The herd of them rush at me, an array or sharp objects and different patterns. The air around me statics as I begin fighting, husk helping.

Within minutes all of the guards are dead or dying. dust off my hands and stare out the door waiting for the one person I was sure they called. Sure enough, he steps out.

"Vox," I say.

"Alastor." He replies and sweeps his gaze to the bodies scattered around me.

"I'm not here to talk," I say.

"Nor am I" Vox replies. We both give a quick bow and lunge.


We're in. It was easy to get in. ut this is the only easy part of this mission. Loud booms echo outside so I know Alastor is keeping to his part of this arrangement. I clutch the angels-blade spear I borrowed from Vaggie in all my hands as I led the way through the backstage of the studios. We keep to the shadows and make sure we aren't looking too suspicious at the same time. We're so close I can taste it.

I'm so close to freedom.

Nothing can go wrong.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now