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"Y/N my dear, are you having fun?" Alastor said. The two of you were on a date. You were in fact, not having fun. Why? Flashbacks ran through your head as you matched stride with Alastor walking around.

You two had just left for the date, and he took you to a restaurant. It was a high-end one that required reservations, but Alastor had just threatened the host and got you two in. That was the first spark in the feeling of uneasiness in your gut. The two of you sat down and ordered. The conversation was nice, you learned more about him, and you told him all about your time as a specter which he seemed particularly interested in. But, after you two had finished, he got up, took your hand, and went to the exit without bothering to pay. You didn't like that much, but when security ran to stop you two, he slaughtered the demons and walked out. You had felt as if you would lose your dinner right then and there.

"Yes, Alastor... I'm having fun," you said quietly. Only one thought was running through your head. Was he as much of a monster as everyone said he was? He had taken those security demons' lives without a second glance. He was as cheerful as ever, not a single ounce of remorse creasing his face. You knew what kind of person he'd been when he was alive, but this... this was terrifying. And you knew that there was no way out. You'd trapped yourself. He'd fallen in love -you thought- and he wasn't about to let you go...

-Alastor's POV-

Y/N seemed off. Not like she usually was. I knew it was her, I simply knew it, and I couldn't be happier that I'd found her. I want to stay with her for the rest of my afterlife. I'd never let her go, even if that meant I had to do something I don't want to. But that won't happen! She loves me. She better.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now