Bridge 3:

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It was Saturday, the girl's favorite day of the week and she was stuck babysitting her little siblings. But luckily for her, her parents said that she could invite someone over to help, and when they said someone, they meant Micah. Who else has Ava ever talked about other than Micah? She was in her room, right out of the shower, when she heard the doorbell ring. Good thing her mom was still home. She quickly picked out an outfit and finished getting ready. Once she was done, she ran down the stairs to see Micah talking to Jocelyn and Jeaden in the living room.

"Hey, Micah," Ava said as she reached the bottom step.

"Hey, Ava, your mom just left. She told me to tell you that she ordered a pizza for us and it'll be here in about an hour," Micah said as he stood up because he was crouched down trying to get on the twin's level.

"Okay, perfect, what do you guys wanna do?" Ava said as she looked towards the twins.

"Well Jeaden wanted to play jenga with you because you're supposed to be amazing or something-" He said but was cut off by Ava.

"Is that doubt I hear?" She challenged him, "I'm the freakin queen."

"Yeah, we'll see about that," Micah said and he laughed to himself.

"When I win, and you eat dirt, I'm gonna make you admit that I'm the queen," She said confidently.

"And when I win, you're gonna wish you hadn't said that," He said as he sat down on the couch.

"Anyways," Jeaden said, pulling the attention onto him and Jocelyn.

"Let's put on a movie and play," Jocelyn said as she ran to the remote.

"Sounds great," Ava said as she went to get the game.




The group decided on the Elf on the Shelf movie even though it was like February. That ended quickly as a couple hours passed and the twins were passed out on the couch, leaving Ava and Micah in the tiebreaker Jenga battle.

Ava took a deep breath as she reached for the block on the side and pulled it out carefully before placing it on the top, she made it so that whichever block Micah chose to pull would knock over the tower. Micah sat there thinking long and hard before he pulled a block allowing the tower to knock over. Ava laughed as it happened.

"Say it," Ava said.


"Say it."


"Say I'm the queen," Ava said forcefully.

"Make me," Micah said as he set his pizza down, getting ready for whatever Ava was going to do.

"You asked for it," Ava said as she stood up. Ava and Micah began to run around the living room resulting in Micah running out of the back door and into the backyard with Ava close behind him. Ava was about to tackle him but didn't realize that Micah almost tripped over a stick and she tripped over the stick herself and brought Micah down with her. The two laughed hysterically at the situation before laying beside each other for a bit.

"The sky looks so beautiful right now," Ava said as she stared at the sunset above her.

"That's not the only thing," Micah whispered, not sure if he wanted her to hear it or not, but luckily for the both of them she did.

"What else?" Ava asked curiously as she shifted her weight to look at the boy.

"You," He said very clearly.

"What?" Ava said not believing what he just said.

"You, Ava, I like you," Micah said as he faced the girl.

"Oh," Ava said, taking it all in. This is what she wanted, it was just hard for her to believe it.

"Oh good or oh bad?" Micah asked concerned. She wanted to assure him that it was definitely good, so she did the only thing that she could think of. She kissed her best friend.

"Does that answer your question?" She asked after pulling away from him.

"I don't know, maybe I could ask you another question," He said as he smiled at the girl. Ava gave him a look telling him to go on. Micah took a deep breath before saying, "Ava, I know we're best friends, and telling by that kiss I think you'd agree with me when I say that we should be more than that and I want you to be my girlfriend."

Ava didn't know what to say and she always thought that actions spoke louder than words and in this case it definitely did. So, she kissed her best friend again.

"Does that answer your question, again?" She said as she laughed.

"I don't know, maybe I should ask some more so you can answer them again,"Micah said as he laughed. Ava laughed with him as she playfully shoved him before she realized something.

"Hey, you never said that I'm the queen," Ava said, slightly offended.

"Fine, I guess you're the queen," He said reluctantly but gave the girl a very genuine smile. That was what she loved most about the boy: his smile. The way he smiled when he laughed or even when he had to fake it for a picture, it was one of the most beautiful sites that the girl has ever seen. And when he smiled, she smiled just as big right back at him.

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