Bridge 7:

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Ava hopped into Micah's car curious as to why he asked her to hang out so late at night

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Ava hopped into Micah's car curious as to why he asked her to hang out so late at night. Her curiousness quickly went away as soon as she saw the toliet paper sitting in the back seat. "We're going rolling?" She asked, ecstatic.

"Yup, I was thinking Scott's house first, then Allison's," Micah said just as excited as Ava was.

"Yes, yes, let's go," Ava said before Micah pulled out of the girl's driveway and headed toward Scott's house. "Okay, we need to be stratigic with this," Ava said and Micah laughed at the way his girlfriend says strategic.

"Yes definitely, what's the plan," Micah asked as he momentarily looked at his girlfriend while also trying to keep his eyes on the road.

"Okay, so we park behind the house or on the side and then we'll unwrap all of the tp that we wanna use for Scott's house, then we'll get out and throw the tp like crazy while being super quiet and then when once it looks like its covered in toilet paper, we'll hop in our getaway car and leave like nothing happened," She paused, "Oh and we can't forget to take a picture of it."

"That's actually a pretty good plan, Ava," Micah said, slightly surprised.

"Thanks, I know," Ava said proudly.

"I was just gonna wing it," Micah said, which didn't surprise Ava at all.




After rolling Scott and Allison, the two were getting pretty confident with their rolling skills. But there was one tiny problem. They ran out of people to roll. They thought about rolling Judah or maybe Josiah but then they realized that they would be rolling Micah's house also since they all lived together. But speaking of Micah's many brothers gave them their next house to roll. "Wait, Micah, Josiah has a girlfriend right?"

"Yeah, why?" Micah asked.

"She probably has a house," Ava said, trying to give her boyfriend a hint.

"Yeah but what does that have to do- OHHHH we can roll her!" Micah said while cutting himself off.




The two did the same as they did for Scott and Allison. They parked Micah's car on the side of Ella's house, got the toilet paper ready, got out and started going at it. One thing was different though. Ella's living room was right next to the front door and that's exactly where Josiah and Ella were. So when toilet paper started flying in the front yard, they knew exactly what was happening and Ella had a plan.

Meanwhile, Micah and Ava were almost done when they felt water on their faces that almost felt like rain and they would have blamed it on rain if they didn't see Ella and Josiah with water guns. Micah and Ava ran to Micah's car and quickly got in. Ava began to try to communicate with them through the window. "Sorry," Ava screamed through the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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