Chapter Twenty

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Finally, after this god-awful day, I could go see Tamsyon and tell him how shitty it was and how bad it sucked without him. I was sitting in front of his house right now, I just texted Jing  like thirty minutes ago to tell her I was outside, then she responded right away with 'Be right there' After a few minutes of scrolling through TikTok, I finally see her come out the front door


she smiled as I got out of the car and pulled her into a hug

"so it's been a long day?"

she asked reading my mind

"how do you do that?"

I asked curious making her laugh

"come inside"

she said as we walked into her house. It was nice, the walls were gray and wall lights on both side of the door when you first walk in. There was a man, probably her dad, looks in his mid 50's, and they're was a girl, early 20's.

"guys this is Olora"

she smiled pointing at me with a huge smile

"that's my dad"

she pointed at the man

"and that's my sister Annika"

she pointed at the girl next to him


I tried to say as sweet as possible

"he's upstairs"

she turned her attention to me and brought me to a closed gray door. 

"just open it"

she smiled at me and she left. Apart of me was low-key bracing myself for what I was about to see in that room, to see Tamyson like that again. Despite what Jing had told me, I just knocked on the door.

"come in"

he shouted from the other side. I took a deep breath as I put my hand on the door knob and opened it. He was laying on the bed with a cast around his leg. Once he noticed it was me his lips formed a huge smile

"hey stranger"

he said sitting up on his bed. His bed wasn't at all what I expected for a boys room, it was actually clean. He had a tiny black desk on the right wall, and on the left was brown book shelves. He had a gray king bed in the left corner of his wall, and a black and white desk chair  on the desk, which had his football jacket on it.

"you can come in"

he laughed at me snapping me out of my thought

"oh yea sorry"

I chuckled going into his room

"you've never been into a boys room have you?"

he asked me crossing his arms

"is it that obvious"

I laughed putting my hands in my back pocket. God what was wrong with me, why was I being so awkward. I took a seat uncomfortably on his bed that was empty. And then it happened, the memories of everything that has happened today. And then I looked down on the floor, trying not to cry with a sad look on my face. He pushed my head up with his thumb so I was looking at him

"what's wrong?"

he asked so simple, so sweetly, yet it still gave me butterflies. Then something happened at that moment, something that I'd never done in my life. Tears started to fall, god I hated myself for crying. He pulled me into him despite the fact that his leg was in pain. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into the crease of his neck. He didn't ask any questions, he didn't care, all he cared about was the fact that I was crying, that I was hurting. He was so sweet in that way. He leaned back onto his bed with me still on him, so now I was crying onto his chest as we were laying down. He didn't say anything, he just comforted me for a moment

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