-Baby- (extremely short chap)

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Noah POV:

Its 11am right now and Mike is laying on me while scrolling on his phone, I have a question that i've been wanting to ask since last night

"Hey bun I have a question"
"Ya?" He looks up at me
"Last night you said that you weren't comfortable with me touching your neck"
"Why is that? Its normally your favorite part"
"Didn't feel comfortable at the time"
"Did something happen?"
"No just didn't want to be touched there yesterday"
"So I could do it now?" I did in a joking tone
"Ya I don't care" I pause

I grap under Mikes arms pulling him up.

"Hey don't pull me up like a baby!"
"You're my big baby though"

I move his hair out of the way and start to kiss his neck. (And that's all you're getting for this chapter)

144 words, my smallest chapter sorry I sat around for days trying to think of more ideas but all I wanted to do was smut if you have ideas i'll update this chap or make another chapter with it

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