~A month~

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Thank you for the idea OOFY_Midnight hope you like it

Michael POV:

Its been a months since me and Noah had sex, we've both been busy and we haven't had time together other then when we go to bed. I may stay wake but im still tired and don't have the energy to fuck and I don't want to disturb Noah. The kids while be out for a month with their older siblings, grandparents, and their own friends. (Its summer break, totally not a reason for them not being home) I have nothing to do and Noah is almost down with his thing. Perfect. I move behind him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Hi Michael"
"Need something?"
"Maybe" He looks up at me
"Im almost down and we can finally spend some time together alright?"
"Doing what?"
"Don't know maybe watch a movie"
"You have a better idea?" He says in a mocking tone
"Yes actually"
"And that is?"

I move so im sitting on his lap, my side on his chest and he is looking down at me.

"Cuddling?" He chuckled

I start to move my body in a back and forth motion against him. He blushes ever so slightly, his mouth forms a smirk and I see a face I haven't seen in a month, a lust filled face. Fuck yes finally.

"I see someones horny"
"Oh like you haven't been wanting to do this since forever"
"Caught me red handed"
"Now stop taking I need you inside me so bad, I think that if i waited any longer then i would have fucked you while you were sleeping"
"At least my slut wouldn't go out to get it"
"You think im a cheater?"
"No I think you're a slut that can't handle going a week with out it, let alone a month" He grabbed my chin
"Then you would be right so stop taking and fucking fuck me!"

He stared into my eyes, he was examining me. I can see the twitch in his eyes when he looks around at me. I wrap my arms around his neck and move my hands to the back to his head, I push his head down slamming his lips onto mine, he was taking to long. He tries to pull up but I stop him, he moves his hands alongs my arms almost like a snake and grabs my wrists and pulls my hands away. He moves me and him so im pushed up against the desk and he is on top of me, my hands being pushed down by his and his body weight against me making me submit to his touch.

"Don't ever tell me what to do again" he demanded
"Y-yes daddy..."

We start to make out and Noah moves one of his hands under my shirt and starts to feel my body, I moan into the kiss.

"Am I interrupting something?"
"Ow..." I had accidentally headbutted Noah in the face
"Sorry, and Rose why are you here and why do you always show up at this time?"
"Don't know but can't I visit my parents?"
"A call would be nice"
"Why so I don't interrupt you guys?"
"Ya would be nice to not get jump scared when we are trying to do something"
"Or headbutted..."
"I said sorry"
"I know I know"
"Ya well you guys can continue because after what I just saw I don't want to be here"
"Oh shut like you haven't made out with your husband" Her face turned red
"At least people don't see us doing it"
"It was just us home if you had called we wouldn't be in this situation"
"Mhm sure"
"Know what how about this, you come home without calling again, you can watch us make out instead"
"..." The look on her face is hilarious
"Yep nope I'll call next time, bye!"
"Bye!" I hear the fount door close
"Well thats a punishment"
"Im sick of her interrupting us"
"Hm well it was so good I might us it on you"
"What how, what are you gonna do cheat in front of my face?"
"What no, remember the video we took?"
"Of what?"
"Us having sex"
"I could make you watch it"
"Oh you wanna experience it so you understand"
"What no-"

Noah x Michael smutWhere stories live. Discover now