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Before they have the kids.

Michael POV:

Ive been really curious about something. After Noah said something about intersex being able to have children, only if the organ actually works. I had I doctor check me out to see if it does and they say it works but it will be pretty hard to purposely get me pregnant. I still want to try but I don't know how to ask him, he was sitting on the couch in our living room watching something on his phone so I decided to approach him.

"Hey Noah?"
"Mm? Yes?"
"Um can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
"You know how when you were explaining what sex is and you said how intersex people can get pregnant?"
"Well uhm I'm i-intersex..."
"..." He looked confused
"So I uhm went to see if I could have a child and the doctor said y-yes but it was very hard to plan for"
"..." I'm getting really uncomfortable
"S-so I was wondering if we could try and..."

He was staring at me, I just wanted to go and hide so when he wasn't answering me I started to take my leave.

"Wait!" He suddenly woke up from his trance
"Are you sure?" He stood up and walk over to me
"I've always like children..." He held my chin
"But are you sure you want a child, it takes a lot of energy"
"If you don't want to we don't have to have a child.." i started to mumble
"That's not it love I'm just worried about you"
"I have siblings"
"And I know that but still" he rested his head on my shoulder
"Love I'll be fine"
"...Fine we can try"
"Thank you!" I hugged him tightly
"Of course" he kissed my neck
"Do you wanna hang out for a bit or get started now?"
"Whatever you want baby, you want the child"
"When you say it like that it sounds like I'm forcing you"
"Then let me correct it, it was your idea"
"Yea that sounds better"
"That's good.." he started to kiss my neck
"N-noah! That tickles!" I start giggling and tried to move away
"Nope you are staying right here" he held me still
"Noah! Stop!"

He kept kissing me, after a bit of me dying, help, he finally stopped.

"Ok ok I'm done" he backed away
"You didn't have to leave my grasp"
"Yes I did, so I could do this" he smiled at me and then swiftly move towards me
"WOW! Noah!" He picked me up bridal style
"I've got you"
"Could've warned me"
"I could put you down and go back to what I was doing"
"Wait no, nevermind"

He took me to our room and placed me on the bed sitting on top of me. Which I've got to say is hot but kind of uncomfortable seeing how I'm normally in that position. I pushed him onto the bed and took his position sitting on him.

"Can't do new things can we"
"You didn't ask if I wanted to try some new positions"
"...Fair I guess"

I kissed him turning it onto a passionate one, he licked my lip asking for entrance and I opened. He explored my mouth while pushing me onto the bed and painfully, slowly took his and my clothes off. He moved to my neck and kissed it at first but started to bite down, his hands running down my torso and rested is hand on my hips.

"Noah please don't take too l-long" I gasped
"I won't but I just started so shut"

Meanie, he takes off my clothes but all he is doing is biting my neck. His hand soon started to inch closer to my entrance barely grazing my dick, I wanted to complain but I knew he would tell me to be patient and to shut up. As he was doing that he started to make out with me again and held my hands above my head, I felt needy and his hand getting closer wasn't helping so I shifted my self to move his hand closer sooner.

Noah x Michael smutWhere stories live. Discover now