~A month p. 2~

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This is from OOFY_Midnight idea from last chapter

Michael POV:

"Am I too much?" He turned to look at me
"I mean you are a handful but I still love you, now why would you think that"
"I mess with you a lot when you are doing work and you seem so tired when you finish giving me attention"
"You more then enough pay for this house with your work im just doing it to give me something to do"
"But you are still so tired when you give me attention"
"Mike what do we do a lot"
"H-have sex?"
"And how tiring is that"
"V-very" I turned my head
"Then calm down you are my big baby, I will take care of you"

He kissed me on the cheek and took my cup, taking a sip of it.

"My tea!"
"Oh shush"
"I took a sip"
"But its still my drink"
"And now you are being a handful"
"Hey!" He gave me a peck on the lips
"Now shut before I drink all your tea"

I snatched it from him and quickly finished it, I put it on our bedside table and moved so im sitting on his lap.

"Can we continue now?"
"Impatient slut"
"No I waited!"
"As soon as you finished your tea you asked for sex"
"Because I took some time to drink it"
"I swear your impatience is going to dig you into a deep hole"
"Actually what im looking for is for you to dig into my deep hole"
"..." His face had this shocked look on it
"Nope I change my mind, we are done" He moved me off him and got up
"What!? No!" I tired to get up
"No stay right there"
"I was just flirting with you"
"Noah..! Come on..." He sighs and walks up to me
"Im just messing love"

He placed his hands under my chin, lifting my head up and placing a soft kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him down. He looks me in the eyes and kissed the tip of my nose pushing me down, kissing me again, he moved us more onto the bed. I had my hands on his cheeks and his hand were holding both my cheeks as well.

"Can't believe you tricked me" He chuckled softly
"I didn't trick you, you started to make out with me at your own volition"
"You are just too enticing love"

He went back to kissing me, going rougher as time went on. He stuck his tongue into my mouth and grabbed my hands interlocking our fingers. I moaned into the kiss and tightened my grip, he stopped kissing me and moved to my neck. He bit next to my sweet spot, moving around it, he is teasing me again.

"Noah please d-don't tease me" He stopped and thought for a bit
"Not my name"
"You need patience love"
"You keep saying that.."
"Because you need it"
"But i hate waiting for satisfaction though"
"I want pleasure to hun this isn't just for you"

He went back to bitting my neck, still not bitting my sweet spot. After a few minutes he finally bites my sweet spot and I let out a moan. Might be exaggerated but who cares, while he is bitting my neck he let go of my hands and started to feel my body, leaving no place untouched. He kept feeling out my chest area, also resting his hand there. He soon stopped and sat up in between my legs.

Noah POV:

I had sat up in between Mikes legs and I grabbed his dick giving a hand job. His groans and moans were so attractive, once he started to grip onto the bed and his moans gets louder i stop.

"W-why did you stop~" He whines
"You know with how much you complain its a pleasure that I even listen to you"
"Sorry daddy.." He turned his head
"Look at me" I grabbed his chin
"..." His face looked so cute

I let go of his chin and grabbed his waist and slowly pushed in, he ticked his tongue as if he was about to talk but decided not to probably about to complain. I pushed further in and waited for him. He gave me the go ahead and I started to move, Mike grabbed my hand holding it. I sped up his moans getting louder and his grip getting tighter, after a few minutes he asked me to go harder I thought it would be funny if I just slammed into him but he was caught of guard and screamed out my name, he kept moaning for more, so I did. I had most likely hit his prostate, I speed up and he grips my hand even harder that it started to hurt now. I slow down and mike gives me a confused look.

"You are going t-to break my hand by how hard you are squeezing it"
"..." He looked at our hands and let go of my hand
"Its ok" I rubbed his cheek
"T-this would b-be nice if you weren't s-stiil fucking me"
"You wouldn't have liked it if I stopped"
"You k-know me so w-well"
"I have had sex with you more times then I can count"
"I-I feel attacked"
"Ooo the slut is embarrassed"
"Just c-continue"

I pick up the speed and watched Mikes hand travel around trying to find something to grab, he soon grabbed a pillow. He had called out my name minutes later, his hands looked like they put a hole in our bed so I assumed he was close to his climax and I was right as 30s later he climaxed. I started to pull out but he shakes his head and grabbed my hands.

"I s-still need more.." He sat on me
"But we are both tired.."
"I-I'll do the w-ork.."
"Fine but then we are going to bed.."
"Just 2 more times..?"
"No only 1.."

He put his hands on my shoulders and I put my hands on his waist. He looked into my eyes and kissed me passionately, he broke the kiss and rested his head in my neck. Mike started to slowly bounce, I gave him some time to adjust before I helped him.

"Fuck Im not used to this..." He mumbled
"That's why im not doing anything"
"Why don't we do this often.."
"Like you said earlier we have punishment sex more then regular sex and you don't normally want to go further then my pushing in and out of you"
"When you say it like that it sounds weird"
"Im not lying though love"
"Mhm, can you h-help now"

I helped him pick up the pace, I let out small groans while Mike lets out a few quiet moans. We were going pretty fast after about 10m, his loud moans, ow my ears, and I was letting out a few groans every now and again. After about another 10m he bit my neck and tightened his grip on my shoulders, he comes soon after. He was still riding me trying to get me to reach my climax, he kissed me and started to fight my tongue. And minutes later I climaxed, he stops moving and breaks the kiss looking me in the eyes, he moved his hands down on my chest and collapses on me.

"I-I needed that.."
"I could tell bun" I said in a soft voice
"Its been a while ok.."
"I know, you're tired do you wanna lay down or shower?"
"Shower, I made a mess.."
"I can lick it up for you~" I cupped his chin and turned it towards me
"Very seductive now can we go take a shower..?"
"You're no fun"
"You denied me two more rounds 40m ago.."
"That doesn't mean anything!"

I lift him off me and I finally pull out of him, I stand up and grab him and he snuggling up onto my chest. I walk into the closet and let him choose what he wants and I grab what i want, I go to the bathroom and turn on the water and placing the clothes down. I also went to go get bed sheets and throwing the dirty one in the wash while replacing them. By that time the water is warm and the bath is full, I place Mike in and climb in with him. I wash him and myself getting out the bath and dressing both of us. When we are all done I take him to bed and place his phone on the bedside table, I place him in bed and climb in, covering us, falling asleep 10m later.

1483 words, finally i was expecting to be done a few days ago

Noah x Michael smutWhere stories live. Discover now