~Chp 34: 'You And Me'~

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'What's happening?' Jeinghan said as ge looked at the others again and to Seungcheol.

"Good your awake the doctor's here" Seungcheol said with Soonyoung immediately approacging the doctor.

'Wait.. Oh i get it now' Jeonghan thought as he slowly approached the doctor too.

"He's fine for now he just needs rest" The doctor said making Soonyoung and the others calm down.

"That's good news" Seungcheol said patting Soonyoungs shoulder with Jeonghan calming down too.

"I'll go to the washroom and clean my hands" Jeonghan said timidly.

"Want me to come with you?" Seungcheol offered.

"No im fine thanks, Jeonghan smiled then went to the washroom and washed his hands especially his ring and he looks at himself in the mirror.

'God i look awful' Jeonghan thought as he sees his clothes with stains and his eyes looks tired and after he washed he just leaned at the sink and sighed.

'Why did i let that happen? I messed up' Jeonghan thought as he take a deep bretah and went out again and saw the others gone.

"Where are the others?" Jeonghan asked.

"Oh they went in Hyung's room to visit him" Mingyu replied

"Ah i see" Jeonghan responded sitting again.

"Aren't you gonna visit him Hyung?" Mingyu asked sitting beside him.

"No it's them who needs to visit him not me" Jeonghan replied.

"Well why not-" Mingyu was cutted off when someone suddenly called his name

"Han-Appa!" Jeonghan looked at where the voice came from and saw A little boy approaching him and made him feel relief

"Appaaaa look Chaneol's fine nowww" The little boy named Chaneol let Jeonghan see his hand who's bandaged up and Jeonghan immediately hugged the little boy.

"That's great My Chaneol's so brave and Appa-Han is sorry" Jeonghan said as he pick the boy up and hugged it.

"It's fine Appaaa" Chaneol said as he kissed Jeonghan's cheeks making Jeinghan giggle.

"But for me it isn't" Jeonghan heard a familiar voice making him flinch and scared but just tried to smile.

"Haha.. hi Babe" Jeonghan nervously said as he looked at his husband all angry.

"How can you let our little Chaneol be hurt like that?" His husband proclamed taking Chaneol away from Jeonghan.

"Joshujiiii Im sorry I was tired you know how work stresses me outt and i just woke up that time and saw Chaneol got cutted and i panickedddd" Jeonghan whined making Joshua chuckle.

[and yes ya'll his lover is none other than Hong Joshua🤩 i hope i scared you for a second there-]

"I know Hannie.. And it was just a small cut so it's fine, it's actually funny when i saw you panicking almost crying" Joshua teased with Chaneol giggling and Jeonghan feeling embarrassed.

"But im proud of you Babe" Joshua then pecked Jeonghan's lips making Jeonghan smile.

"Aaaaa Mingyu-Ujishiii Chaneol's parents are being lovely infront of Chaneollll" Chaneol whined making the lover laugh and mingyu take Chaneol from Joshua.

"By the way how's Jihoon?" Joshua asked.

"The doctor said he's fine just stressed from producing to much music lately" Mingyu said then he tickles Chaneol making Chaneol giggle.

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